Guest Posting at John Finkelde’s Blog

I am honoured to have been given the opportunity to contribute a guest post at John Finkelde – leadership life church today.

John Finkelde’s blog is often an eclectic mix of topics and posts that always provide something of interest. Sometimes it’s a good laugh, at other times it’s something that will get you thinking through life’s big picture issues. I love that variety.

John’s the pastor of C3 Church Hepburn Heights. Here’s a little bit more about John, taken from his bio page at the church website.

Perth born and bred, John grew up with a love for all things water – swimming, surfing, snorkelling, fishing, prawning and crabbing.

Now living in a beach side suburb John still loves the water but prefers to eat fish rather than catch it these days.

Currently completing a Masters in leadership, John leads a vibrant, contemporary C3 church in Perth’s northern suburbs.

He has authored two books, Created for Partnership & Raising Great Kids and is currently writing a third, working title Pain Relief.

Married for over 30 years, he and Dianne have two grown children both married but no grand kids … yet!

He loves big skies, vanilla slices, Coldplay, AFL, laughing, redemption, home made muesli, C3 & coffee.

His current obsession is DLSR photography and he would be happier if he owned multiple Canon L lenses.

Last year, while preparing for my week long ride for Cancer Council WA, I interviewed John about his battle with cancer. It really is a compelling story and you can listen to it by clicking the play buttons on the audio players below.

If you’ve dropped in here after reading my post at John’s blog please let me welcome you and invite you to spend some time reading through a few of the posts on my blog. I’d love to say hello so please leave a comment or two on any of the posts you find of interest.

If you’d like to stay in touch with the posts I publish here, you can receive free email updates or subscribe to my RSS Feed.

John Finkelde’s battle with cancer part one.


John Finkelde’s battle with cancer part two.


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How very strange

Just in case you dropped in here over the past 48 hours and noticed some strange happenings I thought I’d let you know what was going on.

For short periods of time over the last couple of days you may have seen nothing here or perhaps some strange formatting. You may even have wondered who stole all my posts.

The simple explanation is that I changed web and domain hosts and there was a little work that needed to be done to move everything to where it needed to be.

Everything should now be as it needs to be. If, however, you do notice anything that’s out of place, please let me know.

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Turning Six

numbersix.pngIt’s now been six years to the day since I started blogging.

The first time I ever heard of blogging I thought, “What a stupid idea. Why would you want to share all your most personal thoughts with a bunch of complete strangers?”

Since that time a couple of things have happened. Firstly, I realised that I only had to share what I decided I wanted to share, and secondly, a lot of those ‘complete strangers’ have become good friends, even though I’ve never met many of them face to face.

I’ve really enjoyed the ups and downs of blogging and what you see now is rather different than the original post back on the 3rd of November 2003. I hope you enjoy what you read here and that you’ll stay with me as I enter my seventh year of blogging.

A lot has happened since I last celebrated a blogaversary. The radio station where I worked moved location. Pauline’s sister passed away from cancer. Our children changed schools. I became the father of a teenager when our daughter, Emily, turned thirteen. We’ve sold one house and bought another. We’ve moved across Perth to our new home. I’ve cycled from Perth to Albany, broadcasting from a different town each day. These are just some of the things that stand out from a very busy year.

A whole lot more has happened over the last six years but I won’t even begin to list events, that’s what blog archives are all about. Feel free to go digging through my archives and find an interesting post or two.

If you’re looking to help me celebrate my six year blogaversary there are a few things you might like to do.

  • I would really appreciate it if you added me to your blogroll or link to any of my posts that you enjoy.
  • You can get free updates of by adding your email address to the box in the top of the right hand sidebar or by subscribing to the RSS feed.
  • If you’re a StumbleUpon user you might like to Stumble a post or two. (Of course you’re welcome to do that at anytime.)
  • You may also choose to make this blog one of yourTechnorati Favourites.

On my blogaversary over the last couple of years I’ve opened the blog up for questions. I reckon it’s time to give it another go.

Most days of the week my job involves asking a number of different people to tell me more about themselves. I normally sit behind a microphone and ask others to tell me all sorts of things. It’s very safe being the one asking the questions. It’s not always quite so easy being the one on the other end of the questions.

So, are there any questions you want to ask me? Is there something you’ve been wondering about? Is there a particular subject you’d like me to post about? It can be about blogging, radio, cycling or whatever else you choose to ask about.

What do you want to know? Just leave a question or post topic in the comments below and I’ll see what I can do to respond. No promises but I’ll give it a shot.

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When Facebook Bites

confidential.jpgHere’s a free tip. If you’re a wanted fugitive, try to resist the urge to update Facebook and be careful who you choose as a Facebook friend.

Maxi Sopo has learned the hard way that what you put online can have effects other than what you may intend. The bank fraud suspect boasted on Facebook that he was living the high life in Mexico. He’s now in a Mexico City Jail waiting extradition to the United States.

“He was making posts about how beautiful life is and how he was having a good time with his buddies,” said Assistant U.S. Attorney Michael Scoville, who helped find Sopo. “He was definitely not living the way we wanted him to be living, given the charges he was facing.” – CBS News

As well as his boasting, Sopo added a former Justice Department official to his list of friends. Probably not his smartest moment.

You’re unlikely to be a US fugitive but Sopo’s story got me thinking about the kinds of things that end up on blogs and social networking sites like Facebook. In this case it was ‘the law’ reading stuff that was never intended for them. I’m wondering if you ever consider that no matter what security and anonymity you think you have online, what you write or upload could very well be read by people that you’d least expect.

Much has been said about potential employers checking people out on Facebook but there are a lot of other people who could be seeing what you’re posting.

Think about the person you’d least want to know your private details. Now imagine that they have full access to everything you put online. Scary thought but it’s pretty close to the truth.

I’ve read blog posts by people complaining about someone else and I wonder if they have ever considered that the person they’re writing about could very well read their posts. I’ve seen several people change their blogs or simply drop out of blogging because someone they didn’t want to share personal stuff with has started reading and commenting.

I’ve seen some quite revealing photos on Facebook pages and wondered why people have no respect for their own decency and privacy.

If you wouldn’t like what you’re uploading to be splashed across television screens to be seen by thousands of people, don’t put it online where it can be seen by potentially millions.

I’ve been blogging for almost six years and I use Facebook quite a lot and I’m constantly asking myself whether I’m OK with the entire world reading what I have to say. I may not always get the balance right but I’m still aware that it’s not only friends that will read what I write.

Have you had your privacy compromised online? Do you consider who might read what you post? Does it concern you that once something is posted online it’s there forever, even if you delete it?

I’d love to hear your thoughts. Please leave your comments in the comments section of this post.

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Life is slow …

… but internet speeds at Rottnest are slower.

To be fair, it’s really the Optus wireless broadband that’s slow here. Everything takes forever to load so I won’t be updating this blog until I can get faster internet access.

We’ve been at Rotto for a few days so far.

I’ve read Mad Church Disease by Anne Jackson and large chunks of the impressively large book Shantaram. I’ll tell you more about them later.

Next month is officially winter but the weather has been amazing. I’ve been in shorts and t-shirt the whole time, apart from when I’ve been swimming in the crystal clear water of the sandy white beaches.

I love relaxing at Rottnest so I’d better just publish this post so that I can get back to reading, swimming, laying about, spending time with family and all those other things that make Rotto the best place to be.

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