Emmanuel Kwizera – Hope Rising: A Survivor’s Story

In this special episode of Bleeding Daylight, I take listeners on a journey back 30 years to a dark period in Rwandan history. I speak with Emmanuel Kwizera, a survivor of the 1994 genocide against the Tutsi in Rwanda. Orphaned at just five years old, Emmanuel shares his harrowing story of loss, resilience, and hope.

Despite enduring unimaginable tragedy, Emmanuel found solace through Compassion International at his local church. Now a partnership facilitator with Compassion, Emmanuel works to support local churches and advocate for children in poverty. Through his inspiring journey, listeners are reminded of the power of forgiveness, the importance of sponsorship, and the transformational impact of Christ’s love. This compelling conversation shines a light on both the darkness of the past and the hope for a brighter future.

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David Libby – A Different World

In this episode of Bleeding Daylight, I sit down with David Libby, author of “A Different World: God’s Sovereignty in the Face of Suffering.” David shares his family’s journey through prolonged suffering due to chronic illness and how it led them to a deeper understanding of God’s sovereignty. Living off the land in rural Maine, David and his family faced the relentless toll of Lyme disease, navigating through pain, seizures, and debilitating symptoms. Through their trials, they discovered a profound trust in God’s plan, finding hope in the promise of eternity despite the temporal challenges they faced.

David’s story offers insight into wrestling with the age-old question of suffering and God’s goodness. His book delves into the theological and philosophical aspects of suffering, offering a nuanced perspective that challenges shallow understandings of faith. Whether you’re facing trials or seeking a deeper understanding of God’s sovereignty, David’s journey and insights are sure to inspire and encourage. Click play on the audio player to explore the transformative power of faith in the face of adversity.

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Julie Sunne – Sometimes I Forget

In this week’s podcast episode, I sit down with Julie Sunne, author of “Sometimes I Forget”, to explore the profound challenges life presents and the journey toward trusting God amidst trials. Julie shares her personal journey of faith, marked by miscarriages and the unexpected challenges of parenting children with special needs. From wrestling with grief to finding solace in divine revelation, Julie’s story serves as a testament to the transformative power of faith in the face of adversity.

Join us as we delve into questions of trust, hope, and the unyielding presence of God, offering insight and encouragement for listeners navigating their own struggles. Listen to this candid conversation on finding light in life’s darkest moments.

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Cheryl Christopher – A Portrait of Grief

In this poignant episode of Bleeding Daylight, host Rodney Olsen delves into the depths of overwhelming grief with his guest, Cheryl Christopher, who has journeyed through the loss of two children and her grandson. Cheryl shares her heart-wrenching story, starting from her tumultuous childhood marked by abuse and instability to the devastating losses of her sons, Austin and Wes, and later her grandson, Brock. Through her raw and honest account, Cheryl reflects on the pain, confusion, and eventual acceptance she experienced, highlighting the ways in which faith and hope sustained her through the darkest moments of her life.

As Cheryl recounts her journey of grief and healing, listeners are invited into a sacred space where vulnerability meets resilience. From wrestling with God’s silence to experiencing divine encounters, Cheryl’s story is one of profound transformation and unwavering faith. Despite the unimaginable pain, Cheryl’s message resounds with hope, reminding us that even in the midst of profound loss, there is a flicker of light that pierces through the darkness. Her words offer solace to those who are navigating their own grief, pointing to a future where joy will replace sorrow, and where the promise of reunion awaits.

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Teresa Whiting – Redeeming and Restoring the Broken

In this compelling episode of Bleeding Daylight, host Rodney Olsen sits down with Teresa Whiting, a writer, speaker, and podcaster, to discuss the prevalent issue of sexual brokenness. Teresa’s latest endeavour, the Bible study “Graced: How God Redeems and Restores the Broken,” delves into the stories of six broken women in Scripture, tackling difficult topics like sexual brokenness and shame. Grounded in her deep faith, Teresa shares her journey of grappling with God’s call to address sexual brokenness, revealing her own story of trauma and healing, and emphasizing the importance of finding freedom and redemption in Christ.

Through vulnerable conversations and insights from Scripture, Rodney and Teresa navigate the complexities of sexual brokenness, offering hope and encouragement to women who feel broken and to those who love them. Teresa’s message resonates deeply, reminding listeners that they are not alone in their struggles and encouraging them to embrace their worth and identity in Christ. Join Rodney and Teresa as they shine a light on the darkness of sexual brokenness, inviting listeners to experience the transformative power of God’s love and grace.

Teresa Whiting’s Website
Teresa Whiting’s Blog

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