Time for Edition Four of Thumbs Up!
Great to see a few more posts this week. Just as I imagined it’s taking a few weeks to get into the rhythm of the weekly editions with some people posting weekly and others contributing every second or third week.
Thanks to everyone who has taken part this time around.
If this is the first you’ve heard of Thumbs Up! and you’re scratching your head wondering what it’s about you can read the details here.
I’ve never been to Queensland but I’ve cycled through many other places in Australia so I know just what Deano’s talking about in his post God’s Own Country at one of my daily reads, My Jarrol Spot.
Something wonderful happened with Thumbs Up! this week. I’ve been reading Cindy Swanson’s posts for years so it was great to have her getting into the Thumbs Up! groove with Thumbs Up! Accentuating the Positive posted at her excellent blog Notes in the Key of Life. She said some wonderful things about Grams from Talk to Grams.
Grams then continued to accentuate the positive by sending us to Shortybears Place with her own wonderful Thumbs Up! post.
Denise at Shortybears Place then sent a big Thumbs Up to Donetta who she says was a real angel to her during recovery from surgery. She tells a bit more of the story in her post Thumbs Up My Turn.
Donetta from A Life Uncommon is thankful for the Thumbs Up! she received from Denise. She says, “What a nice day to get a hug. There are those days when all you can do is keep focus.” Check out her post A Gift from Denise.
Isn’t that incredible? It’s wonderful to see people getting involved by accentuating the positive and great to see a chain begin like that.
Getting away from it all this week is Barbra Sundquist presenting a post about a recent Women’s Retreat at Women’s Retreat Ideas.
Shannon is giving a big Thumbs Up! to Chi Alpha Campus Ministries as he highlights their great influence at his blog Divulgence. Thanks Shannon. Great post.
Romi’s back again highlighting A Leader of Human Rights Education at Romi’s Journal. It’s a wonderful post that’s well worth reading.
Don’t believe everything you hear about ‘young people these days. Apple’s post, Today’s Youth, posted at The Apple Doesn’t Fall Far From the Tree, gives us an insight into the lives of a couple of young people making a difference.
I don’t think I’ve left anyone out but if you did post a submission this week and you can’t see it here, please email me so that I can add your post. If you missed out on being a part of Thumbs Up! this week, get posting now and submit for next week.
Posted by Rodney Olsen
Technorati Tags: Thumbs Up – Thankful – Positive
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