Back in Action

Our two beautiful children, and a third unrelated child, appeared in some in-store and catalogue advertising last year for Action Supermarkets here in Perth. The campaign they are in promotes fruit for kids’ school lunches.

We’ve just found out that they’re back. The stores now have brand new colour posters of the kids plastered above their fruit and vegetable section.

We managed to grab one of the posters from a local store. It’s not in brilliant condition so we’ll try to get a couple more in better condition.

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The Passion of the Merchandisers

Richard at connexions has highlighted the spending spree that has been started by the movie The Passion of the Christ.

I think the movie is an excellent aid in introducing people to Jesus and what he endured for us. It is not the answer to every evangelistic question, but it is a powerful tool if used correctly. I have already heard many stories of people coming to faith through the film and I’m sure many more will also be introduced to Jesus.

The sad side of things is that many are choosing to use the movie and the renewed interest in Christianity to fuel their own consumerism.

I don’t have a problem with the sales of good Christian literature going up, and I’m pleased that people are going out and buying Bibles, but it turns my stomach to hear about all the other rubbish.

People are rushing out to buy nails on chains and other crass commercial items.

It saddens me that given the choice between using the experience of the film to deepen faith or to buy product – people choose to buy product.

Our answer to most things in our society is to respond with consumerism. It’s sad that many choose this familiar path when dealing with spiritual issues. Maybe those who know no other way are also experiencing something deeper.

Of course the jump in sales is a measurable effect of the film’s influence. Let’s hope and pray that there is a deeper effect going on in thousands of lives that we will see further down the track.

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I Smell Smoke

Over the last few hours there’s been the smell of smoke in the air. It reminds me of India.

I wish I had the time and money to head back there. I visited for 2 weeks for the first time in February last year. It’s an amazing place and not for the faint hearted.

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Anyone Interested in Trying This?

What a great idea.

Justin Baeder at Radical Congruency has posted a wonderful concept for a church service.

I’d love to try something like that. Anyone in the Perth area interested in trying it sometime?

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We often forget how easy we have it.

There are Christians all over the world who constantly put their lives in danger to serve God.

I experienced that kind of danger in a very small way during my trip to India last year. I can’t say anymore than that about what I experienced.

Four American missionaries have given their lives as they served the Lord in Iraq.

There are many stories of persecution on the Voice of the Martyrs website.

How serious are we about our faith? Are we really ready to go anywhere that God sends us? And maybe before we answer that we need to remember Peter’s words just before he denied Jesus, “Even if all the others reject you, I never will!”

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