Bike to Work Breakfast

I mentioned the Bike to Work Breakfast yesterday.

It was great. Lots of cyclists. Lots of food. I imagine there would have been between 2500 and 3000 people all up.

A local radio station did an Outside Broadcast for the morning. Their show included a guest spot by comedy trio ‘Tripod.’

They are very funny guys and I wish I was going to their show tonight.

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Friday Five

It’s Friday Five time.

1. What was the last song you heard?

I Knew You When – Linda Ronstadt

2. What were the last two movies you saw?

The Passion of the Christ
Big Fish

3. What were the last three things you purchased?


4. What four things do you need to do this weekend?

Run the Cycle Instead Speed Dome Family Day
Ride my bike
Go to church
Feed the family

5. Who are the last five people you talked to?

A guy who just rang me enquiring about the Cycle Instead Speed Dome Family Day
My gorgeous wife
My sister
A work colleague
A friend who provides hours and hours of volunteer help for Bike for Bibles

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When Will I Ever Sleep?

I’d better get off to bed and catch a little sleep.

I’ll be up way too early tomorrow morning to go into the city for the annual Bike to Work Breakfast. It’s part of Bikeweek – a week full of opportunities to celebrate cycling.

There’s likely to be between 2500 and 3000 cyclists riding into the city for a free healthy breakfast and a free water bottle.

It’s a busy time for me but it’s one of my favourite times of the year.

I get to compere the official launch part of the breakfast, as I have for the past 10 years or so. I’ll also be doing live reports during the breakfast programme for 98 Five Sonshine FM.

I’ll post a few pictures tomorrow if I get the chance.

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God Burger?

One of the sites I like to keep an eye on is

Each day there is a new photo of English being misused in some shape or form.

I felt that I had to share today’s entry.

Take some time to check out the site and enjoy some very funny stuff.

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Life Under Construction


I’ve been thinking recently about growing up and seeing cranes across the city skyline.

When I saw huge cranes constructing huge buildings I used to think how untidy they made the city look. I used to look forward to the day when the city would be finished so that the cranes would be gone. I wanted my beautiful city to look neat and complete.

As I grew older I realised that there would always be cranes. Old buildings pass their usefulness and are replaced by new buildings. The population grows and new facilities are needed. It’s all a necessary part of progress.

I think a lot of us feel the same way about the struggles in our lives. We look ahead to the time when all the cranes will be gone, when the construction will be finished and we can enjoy a ‘neat’ existence. It’s not going to happen this side of eternity.

In every area of our lives we need to realise that the struggles and disappointments will always be there – it’s part of our progress. If we ‘put our lives on hold’ until the struggles are sorted, we’ll never learn to live.

Living is all about what we do with those setbacks, how we cope with them, and more importantly, who we turn to to help us through.

Of course there is coming a time when the cranes will be taken away and the construction will be over. Once the building is all done we have an eternity to enjoy paradise with our Lord. I’m looking forward to resting from all the building.

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