John Simmons – Invisible Addiction

John Simmons battled an invisible addiction that plunged him into debt and deep depression. He was living a life that was totally out of control and the very thing that was pushing him closer and closer to destruction was the thing he thought would solve the issues he was facing.

It was a downward spiral that almost cost him his life.

Things are very different now. These days, John is bringing hope into the lives of others through his ministry, Testimony House.

John is the guest on my podcast, Bleeding Daylight, this week. You can hear his story wherever you listen to podcasts or use the media player below.

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Lori Morrison – The Unlovely Truth

In recent years, we’ve seen a growing interest in what many refer to as true crime. There are blogs, books, podcasts, television shows, and more dedicated to delving into the details of real crimes, and in many cases seeking resolution for previously unsolved crime.

In this week’s episode of my podcast, Bleeding Daylight, Lori Morrison takes us deep into the world of true crime.

Lori is a paralegal and a licensed private investigator. Her podcast, The Unlovely Truth, is dedicated to exploring the intersection of faith and true crime.

You can hear from Lori by listening to Bleeding Daylight wherever you find podcasts, or just click play on the audio player below.

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Yvonne Rempel – A Damascus Experience

Yvonne Rempel faced trauma from the day she was born. Her childhood left her with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.

At 17 I was kicked out of the house, and I went on a very destructive path because I didn’t have options. I had no structure. I didn’t know who I was, other than raising my brothers and sisters, other than trying to please my mother.

Following a difficult upbringing, she experienced a life transformation in her early 20s.

She’s come a long way since then and now helps others break free from their past to become the person they were meant to be.

Yvonne is this week’s guest on my podcast, Bleeding Daylight. You can hear her story on Bleeding daylight wherever you find podcasts or use the audio player below.

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Caris Snider – Anxiety Elephants

Depression, anxiety, fear, pain, shame, failure, feeling not enough, even wanting to leave this world. These are all things that Caris Snider has experienced.

Caris is my guest this week on my podcast, Bleeding Daylight.

If we’re honest, most of us have some kind of disconnect between our personal inner world and the person that the world sees, but for Caris, it was like a gaping chasm.

She very much seemed to have it all together. She was a wife, mum, friend and worship leader. Unfortunately, below the surface, things were quite different. Caris was hiding a secret, even from those closest to her and on Bleeding Daylight we lift the lid on that secret and discover the turnaround that not only helped her, but that has allowed her to help others.

Caris is the author of the book Anxiety Elephants and it was an honour to have her join me on Bleeding Daylight.

Whether you’ve encountered any of the feelings that Caris did, or you’re wanting to help someone you know, you’ll find hope and encouragement in her story.

Listen to Bleeding Daylight wherever you find podcasts or use the audio player below.

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Markus Watson – False Witness

Markus Watson was investigated for a sickening crime with no knowledge of who had made allegations against him, what evidence they claimed to have, and not even knowing the crime he was alleged to have committed.

He faced accusations that threatened to destroy his livelihood and trash his reputation. He was betrayed, investigated by the FBI and forced out of a job.

My time at that church was a wonderful experience for most of my time there. Unfortunately, my last year was very painful. Betrayal, false accusations, and eventually being voted out of that church left me reeling. My professional, emotional, and spiritual life was turned upside down.

And, yet, that experience drew me closer to God than I had ever been in my life. It left me with some scars, but those scars have helped me become more fully the person I was created to be.

I explored his story on my podcast, Bleeding Daylight, this week.

You can hear Markus talk about what happened to him on Bleeding Daylight wherever you find podcasts or use the media player below to listen.

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