In my younger years I spent large chunks of my summer and various other parts of the year at Baptist Youth Camps in Serpentine, just south of Perth.
Starting as a camper, I then went on to become everything from dorm leader to cook to director to cook to pot washer and all sorts of things in between. I’ve got a lot of great memories from those early days but I haven’t been to one of those camps for around twenty years.
A couple of decades later and I’m off to camp today.
This will be the first time at camp for Emily and James. They’re both really looking forward to the coming week.
Pauline and I will take on one of the only duties I never quite managed in my earlier, single days. We’ll be ‘Camp Parents’ for a week. Our task will be to provide support for both the campers and the wonderful bunch of leaders.
I’m unlikely to have any access to the internet until we return on Saturday. Thanks to WordPress I’ve been able to publish a few posts that will appear over the next few days but I won’t be able to approve new comments, so you may find that your comments sit in the moderation queue a little longer than normal. Please don’t let that stop you from commenting.
I’ll catch you in a few days.
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