Dear Winter


Dear Winter

I’m so sorry that I left you. Summer seemed so enticing and warm, hot even, but I was wrong to leave you. I know that now.

Sure, you were cold at times but at least you didn’t flare up all the time like Summer does. Spending time with Summer leaves me feeling drained and tired. Back when we were still together, Summer made promises, but the reality is so different to what I imagined.

I fell for the oldest trick in the book. When I was with you the grass seemed greener elsewhere, but with Summer, there is no green grass. Nothing’s green. It’s all brown and crunchy.

I’m not saying that there haven’t been great times with Summer. Some evenings have been amazing but Summer’s gentle warmth gives way to an incredible harshness when the next day arrives. I expected endless excitement but I’ve got to admit, I’ve been burnt. I can’t sleep. I just lay awake thinking about you.

Winter, I know it’ll still be some time until you feel ready to take me back but right now I’m yearning for you. In the mean time you may hear stories that I’m still with Summer. Let me assure you that’s not my fault. I want Summer to go but you have no idea how clingy Summer can be.

Before I return to you it’s likely you’ll hear rumours that I’m with Autumn but believe me, I’m coming back to you.

Yours truly


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Changing Seasons

Today is the first day of spring in Australia. I’m looking forward to the mornings being a little brighter and the days being a little warmer. I particularly enjoy spring because it’s so much better for cycling.

The winters in Perth are never very severe. It never snows and while the weather might get a bit chilly and a little wild at times, I can generally still ride my bike throughout winter. Having said that, spring is just so much more comfortable.

What about you? Which is your favourite season? Choose your favourite in the poll and if you like, tell me in the comments why it’s your favourite.

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