Beat the burglars

J.D. of Get Rich Slowly is now letting criminals write his posts.

He has published a post about keeping your home safe while you’re away, whether that’s for a few minutes or on holiday for a few weeks. The guy who supplied the information is a reformed burglar who stole over $70 million worth of jewelery during his career, and spent 11 years in prison for doing so. If anyone knows how to avoid being burgled you’d have to believe that he would.

Should you leave your lights on when you’re out? Will a big dog scare a potential burglar? What about cancelling newspaper and mail deliveries when you’re on holiday?

If you want the expert’s opinion head over to Get Rich Slowly and read 7 Mistakes That Make Homeowners Targets for Burglars.

Posted by Rodney Olsen

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Another tag

As well as the tag I mentioned in my last post, Barb from Barb’s Blog recently tagged me with a meme that asks me to divulge 5 things that people probably wouldn’t know about me. Here goes. (By the way, if you’re here because I tagged you, your meme is one post down.)

1. I didn’t learn to ride a bicycle until I was 16.

2. My only official job qualification is as a chef. I completed a four year cooking apprenticeship.

3. I am the youngest of five children and neither of my parents are still alive.

4. I used to hate computers and resisted using one for many years.

5. When I first heard about the concept of blogging I thought it was one of the most ridiculous ideas I’d ever heard about.

I won’t pass this meme on because I just tagged five people with my last post, but feel free to do it in the comments section below or on your own blog.

Posted by Rodney Olsen

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Playing Tag

Andrew from Moved Mountains was tagged by John Smulo. That meant that he had to answer a bunch of questions then tag some other people. Guess who Andrew tagged?

Now, of course, you’ll have to make sure you read right to the end of this post in case I tag you.

1) What’s the most fun work you’ve ever done, and why? (Two sentences max)

My current radio broadcasting job let’s me play music, talk to guests, talk to listeners, interview famous people. What could be more fun?

2) Name one thing you did in the past that you no longer do but wish you did? (One sentence max)

I used to play squash regularly (very badly) and it really helped me get fit.

3A) What two things would you most like to learn or be better at, and why? (Two sentences max)

Cycling, so that I can improve my technical skills and learn how to descend hills much faster.

Life is all about relationship so relationship skills can always do with improvement.

3B) If you could take a class/workshop/apprenticeship from anyone in the world, living or dead, who would it be and what would you hope to learn? (Two sentences max)

I’d love to be taught the finer points of cycling by Miguel ‘Big Mig’ Indurain.

4A) What three words might your best friends or family use to describe you?

Friend. Husband. Dad.

4B) Now list two more words you wish described you.

Dependable. Godly.

5) What are your top three passions? (Can be current or past, work, hobbies, or causes– three sentences max)

God. Family. Cycling.

6) Write–and answer–one more question that YOU would ask someone. (Answer in three sentences max)

If you could explore any country in the world, which would it be? I’d love to see more of Australia but I guess that cycling across the country so many times has given me a good head start there. I’d be tempted to explore America, England or some other country but I guess I’d really have to settle on India. Two trips and five weeks in total there has only scratched the surface of the wonders of India and I can’t wait to get back there to discover and explore a lot more.

Well, that’s my bit done. Now I tag Sarah from This is what Sed Said, Indigo from Thoughts Outside My Head, Chad from WordUp, Cha from Inside Cha’s Head, and Grahame from Gra Nomad Wanderings.

Posted by Rodney Olsen

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Life's simple pleasures

Can a walk in the park put an extra skip in your step?

When was the last time you grabbed a coffee or poured yourself a drink and sat down to read a good book for a few hours? Do you ever find the time to play a board game or go for a bike ride with your kids?

What are the simple pleasures in your life that remind you that you’re still alive?

Life Skills Trainer, Jill Bonanno, joined me this morning on 98.5 Sonshine FM for our regular Friday morning radio segment, Simply Living. We talked about keeping life simple and making sure that we’re taking time to enjoy life’s simple pleasures. It’s not about bigger and better but simpler, deeper and more satisfying.

We had a few people call and email to tell us about their simple pleasures. For Jessica it was simply spending time with her 20 month old son. Jeriah rang to tell us that he and his wife love sitting down to watch old black and white B-Grade movies together, complete with popcorn. Steve’s simple pleasure is walking with his wife. It allows them time to slow down and rediscover the art of conversation.

You can hear today’s programme by clicking here.

What is it for you? What are those things that put things back into some kind of perspective for you? Do you regularly take time to enjoy those pleasures or is life crowding them out? What can you do about prioritising a few simple pleasures this year?

Posted by Rodney Olsen

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Feed me

I hope you’re being well fed.

There was a slight glitch with my blog feeds when I switched to my own domain but all seems to be well now. If you read this blog through a feed everything should now be back to normal. Previous feeds are still working and a new one has been added which reflects the changed URL.

What am I talking about? If you haven’t heard of RSS, Atom or Feeds before you can check out this article at Wikipedia for more information. Basically feeds make it a lot easier to read blogs and other information sources. I can keep up to date with around 180 blogs and news providers without having to open each website individually.

I’ve recently added a number of buttons to the sidebar to make subscribing easy if you read blogs through Bloglines, Google Reader, Yahoo, NewsGator or MSN. You can also make this blog a Technorati Favourite.

If you use any other kind of feed reader you can use to subscribe.

On top of those options you can subscribe via email through FeedBlitz. Just click here, enter your email address, and you’ll never miss a post.

Whichever way you choose to read my blog let me say thank you for doing so. I truly appreciate the fact that you take the time to read my random thoughts and participate in the conversation through your comments.

Posted by Rodney Olsen

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