There was a slight glitch with my blog feeds when I switched to my own domain but all seems to be well now. If you read this blog through a feed everything should now be back to normal. Previous feeds are still working and a new one has been added which reflects the changed URL.
What am I talking about? If you haven’t heard of RSS, Atom or Feeds before you can check out this article at Wikipedia for more information. Basically feeds make it a lot easier to read blogs and other information sources. I can keep up to date with around 180 blogs and news providers without having to open each website individually.
I’ve recently added a number of buttons to the sidebar to make subscribing easy if you read blogs through Bloglines, Google Reader, Yahoo, NewsGator or MSN. You can also make this blog a Technorati Favourite.
If you use any other kind of feed reader you can use to subscribe.
On top of those options you can subscribe via email through FeedBlitz. Just click here, enter your email address, and you’ll never miss a post.
Whichever way you choose to read my blog let me say thank you for doing so. I truly appreciate the fact that you take the time to read my random thoughts and participate in the conversation through your comments.
Posted by Rodney Olsen
Click here for regular email updates from this blog.
Technorati Tags: Blogging – Feeds – Subscriptions
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