As well as the tag I mentioned in my last post, Barb from Barb’s Blog recently tagged me with a meme that asks me to divulge 5 things that people probably wouldn’t know about me. Here goes. (By the way, if you’re here because I tagged you, your meme is one post down.)
1. I didn’t learn to ride a bicycle until I was 16.
2. My only official job qualification is as a chef. I completed a four year cooking apprenticeship.
3. I am the youngest of five children and neither of my parents are still alive.
4. I used to hate computers and resisted using one for many years.
5. When I first heard about the concept of blogging I thought it was one of the most ridiculous ideas I’d ever heard about.
I won’t pass this meme on because I just tagged five people with my last post, but feel free to do it in the comments section below or on your own blog.
Posted by Rodney Olsen
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Technorati Tags: Tagged – Meme
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Rodney, on numbers 4 and 5 we would be totally in sync! I did the same once upon a time!
You can cook for me anytime you want rodney. thanks for sharing those facts with us very enjoyable to read
I taught a friend to ride a bike when he was 21. Of course by then he was 6’5″ and very unafraid of falling so he wasn’t too sared when I let go.
Interesting that an avid biker like you only learned to ride one at an age most blokes are learning to drive a car!