The World’s Greatest Car Advertisment

If advertising is all about standing out and getting noticed, then the advertisement for a used Daihatsu car recently published on classified advertising website Gumtree should win a number of awards.

The Daihatsu Feroza may not be the most exciting car available but a certain South Australian seller has created a real buzz about their old 1990 four wheel drive which has already clocked up 24 000 kilometres since new. Their advertisement for the car is popping up all over the internet. If you want a super tough car this one will only cost you around $2 800.

Let me start off by saying this Feroza is only available for purchase by the manliest of men (or women). If it was possible for a vehicle to sprout chest hair and a five o’clock shadow, this Daihatsu would look like Tom Selleck.

It was never intended to drive to Rundle Mall so you can pick up that adorable Abercrombie & Finch shirt that you had your eye on. It wasn’t meant to transport you to yoga class or Home & Garden. That’s what your Prius is for. If that’s the kind of car you’re looking for, then just do us all a favour and stop reading right now.

This car was engineered by 3rd degree ninja super-warriors in the highest mountains of Japan to serve the needs of the man that cheats death on a daily basis. They didn’t even consider superfluous nancy boy amenities like navigation systems (real men don’t get lost), heated leather seats (a real man doesn’t let anything warm his butt), or Bluetooth (real men don’t even know what the hell Bluetooth is).

No, this brute comes with the things us testosterone-fueled super action junkies need. It has a 4cylinder 1.6L engine to outrun the cops. It’s got special blood/gore resistant upholstery. It even has a fire extinguisher in the back. You know what the fire extinguisher is for? Fire! The Feroza also has a removable roof so if you’re being chased by Libyan terrorists, you’ll still be able to shoot your machine gun out the back and drive with ease. It’s saved my bacon more than once.

My price on this bad boy is an incredibly low $2800, but I’ll entertain reasonable offers. And by reasonable, I mean don’t walk up and tell me you’ll give me $200 for it. That’s liable to earn you a Burmese-roundhouse-sphincter-kick with a follow up three fingered eye-jab. Would it hurt? Hell yeah. Let’s just say you won’t be the prettiest guy at the Coldplay concert anymore.

There’s only 240000km on this four-wheeled hellcat from Planet Kickass. Trust me; it will outlive you and the offspring that will carry your name.

Rock on.

Let’s hope that the seller’s creative advertising skills turn into a sale very soon. I’m wondering if their next job will be selling ice to Eskimos.

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Do you believe that gnomes are magical creatures? I’ve got to wonder if they have magical powers after visiting Gnomesville a few days ago. Why else would I be drawn to wander around in searing heat looking at thousands of gnomes?

Located by the roundabout at the junction of Wellington Mill and Ferguson roads, Gnomesville is the magical home to over 3000 Gnomes who have migrated there from all over Australia and around the world.

Plan to spend a few hours wandering through the villages and glades full of playful, naughty and sentimental gnomes climbing logs, hanging out in trees, playing cricket, even flying planes! You’ll enjoy the clever Gnomish puns and who knows, you may decide to return to contribute a Gnome of your own. Don’t be tempted to take home a souvenir, however, as Gnoman legend has it that bad luck will surely follow! – Ferguson Valley Website

We had a few days holidaying in the Ferguson Valley before I returned to work and part of the visit to our state’s south included a visit to Gnomesville. It’s a strange and wonderful place with many gnomes telling stories of those who have placed gnomes in the past.

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Don’t Tease the Toad

This is a great video of an African Bull Frog playing a computer game. Worth watching through to the end.

(I found this at 22 Words.)

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Sizzlin’ Summer Land

White Christmas? A Winter Wonderland? Not here in Australia.

Down under we generally have a hot Christmas day and it’s brilliant.

I hope you enjoy the video above which is a little closer to the kind of weather we experience around the big day.

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Christmas Mashup

Rudolph meets The Police. Brilliant.

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