Festive Cliches

Don’t you just love those festive cliches?

It’d be such an interesting exercise to count how many times we hear “Christmas Has Come Early” or some derivative in the early part of December.

Someone gets a pay rise and the media say, “workers got an early Christmas gift today when ….”. Advertisers continue to do the “Christmas has come early at Bob’s BBQs where you can …..”

Listen out for it and you’ll hear it several times a day.

What Christmas cliches annoy you?

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Jack's Back

I see that Jack van Tongeren is active again pushing his white supremacist views.

I’ve noticed a swag of illegally placed, racist posters on my daily commute.

If his antics continue the way they did many years ago he may find himself spending a bit more time locked away. He was jailed for a number of years after firebombing some Chinese Restaurants.

Life is too short to spend it inciting hatred.

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Where Did My Weekend Go?

On Saturday I travelled to a small Western Australian town called Katanning for ‘Saltbush.’

From the Media Release I wrote for the organisers: Saltbush Youth Festival is presented by YFC Australia and 98 Five Sonshine FM and run by a group of volunteers concerned about the youth of our state. Saltbush is a drug and alcohol free weekend, featuring music from local and interstate bands. The organisers feel that our young people have a right to celebrate the end of exams and the start of a new stage in their lives, but they want them to have an awesome time without the excesses so often associated with such celebrations.

Coordinator, Erik Olsen, believes in giving young people a weekend that they’ll remember. “It should be a time of celebration but many schoolies can only remember the partying that ended their school years through a drink or drug induced haze. It’s great to cut loose but a few days of binge drinking, substance abuse and casual relationships can create many years of regret. We’re encouraging young people to make healthy lifestyle choices.”

I was one of two MCs on the main stage for the Saturday night concert and then for the Sunday morning ‘Recovery Service.’

The whole event made me feel old. Watching 1000 people half my age having the time of their lives was great, but it wore me out.

It was a great event and although numbers were down on last year, it was an real credit to the huge team that organised and staged the event.

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Mrs Noah

Tonight is School Concert Night. My 7 year old daughter has been counting down the days for quite some time. She’s a real actress and tonight she gets to perform as Mrs Noah. My darling wife has organised the Mrs Noah costume and so it’s on with the show.

Our little girl can hardly wait – and I’ll let you in on a secret – her parents can hardly wait too.

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Search: Guy Sebastian Lyrics!

It seems that just because I made mention of Guy Sebastian several posts ago, quite a few people have ended up checking out my blog after running a search for ‘Guy Sebastion Lyrics.’

I figure that Darren has experienced the same thing because he’s posted the lyrics on his blog.

Hope that helps you if you came here looking for Guy Sebastian stuff.

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