Christian Carnival 229

carnival.jpgThe carnival’s in town.

The weekly Christian Carnival is an opportunity for Christian blog writers to share their best posts from the previous week. The topic of the post doesn’t necessarily have to focus on Christianity but it must reflect a Christian worldview, and the writer must be Christian to qualify.

I’ve taken part in the carnival many times over the years but this is the first time I’ve hosted the carnival. I must say that it’s a real honour to be able to present such a diverse range of great posts.

If I was clever, like many carnival hosts, I’d create categories and do all kinds of tricky things, but instead, I’ll just present this remarkable body of work in the order that each submission arrived in my inbox.

Please take the time to read through each post … it’s worth it. You might also like to link to this week’s carnival so that your blog readers can enjoy the variety of styles and thought.

There seems to be something about money that makes many Christians squirm. Unfortunately that prevents many from taking a serious look at their finances to find God’s heart on the matter. Free Money Finance wades into the topic with Putting God First.

Michael Snyder gets political when he presents The Picture Of The Hindu God That Barack Obama Carries For Good LuckShattered Paradigm at .

The way that many live, you’d be forgiven for thinking that Christianity is just a set of beliefs that’ll keep us busy until we make it to eternity, but David Gushee’s post The market economy’s moral influence posted at CounterCulture explores our responsibility for stewardship of the world’s resources.

Another wonderful contribution to the carnival this week comes from Weekend Fisher who remembers the advice she never gave a friend … and what her silence cost her friend in her post Do Christians sell the faith short? Part 3: sexual integrity and abortion. She issues a call to stand up for integrity not as a set of intrusive Thou Shalt Nots, but as a blessing of a more livable life.

Ken Brown is looking at Art, Nudity and Sex and the City. Well … that didn’t come out quite right. Ken’s not really looking at that stuff, he’s writing about it and you should check out what he has to say at his blog C. Orthodoxy.

A blogger I’m pleased to have recently started reading is Kathie M. Thomas. She presents Between a Rock and a Hard Place at It’s a lovely post that brings out a life lesson from the things around us.

Dean’s another favourite on my ‘must read’ list. This week he presents Certain Location… posted at My Jarrol Spot. He talks about old places bringing back old memories.

Annette has been thinking about The Mandate for a Pastor at her blog Fish and Cans. Her post is well worth reading and I encourage you to spend some time considering what Annette has to say.

Us Christians talk a lot about faith, but what is it really all about? Elementaryhistoryteacher presents Oh Ye of Little Faith at Got Bible?.

Richard H. Anderson is Reading Schweitzer Again for the 1st Time. Richard’s post at dokeo kago grapho soi kratistos Theophilos is a great one to get you thinking.

Fathers’ Day is a joyous time for many, but for others it can be a reminder of how our earthly fathers have failed us. Jennifer’s post Revisiting Father’s Day posted at Diary of 1 is a wonderful exploration of what we should do if our memories of dad aren’t all happy memories.

What is the real reason that communication and organization is so bad in so many churches? Diane R has written about The Church “In” Group? at Crossroads: Where Faith and Inquiry Meet.

Jeremy Pierce says that while A.W. Pink takes an outdated and unwarranted view on the so-called Curse of Ham passage in Genesis 9, he believes that Daniel Hays goes a little too far to call his comments racist. Jeremy asks is A.W. Pink, Racist? over at Parableman.

Walking is an oft-used metaphor for our life’s journey. But what does it really mean to walk with God?  This week John at Light Along the Journey has a few thoughts in his post What Does It Mean to Walk with God?

Tom Gilson reckons that everyone wants to claim Jesus as their own, in one way or another and he thoughtfully explains what he means in his post Jesus: Who Was He, Really? posted at Thinking Christian.

There are so many varied thoughts on what the scriptures are saying to us. ChrisB asks if theological differences between Christian groups prove our beliefs are inconsistent in his post Do Denominations Disprove Christianity? at his blog Homeward Bound.

One notion about gender and church, especially regarding woman priests, is that woman and men are “interchangeable.” Mark Olson examines that notion in his post On Men and Women with a little History Thrown In at his blog Pseudo-Polymath.

To round of this week’s Christian Carnival I’ll point you to some people who are taking their faith in Christ to a massive audience around the world through their music. Earlier this week I saw the Soweto Gospel Choir in concert and was thrilled at how overt their spiritual message was. They have an amazing ministry of shining God’s light into darkened corners. Here’s my post, Soweto Gospel Choir in Perth, complete with a radio interview (including a wonderful live performance) that I conducted with them yesterday.

Thanks to everyone who contributed this week to the Christian Carnival. Get posting and get your submissions in for next week’s carnival over at Thinking Christian.

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About the author

Rodney Olsen

Rodney is a husband, father, cyclist, blogger and podcaster from Perth Western Australia.

He has worked in radio at Perth's media ministry Sonshine for over 25 years and has previously worked at ministries such as Compassion Australia and Bible Society.

The views he expresses here are his own.

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