Christian Carnival 247

carnival.jpgThe carnival is back in town and we’ve had another great response this week. It’s always wonderful to see some first timers joining the carnival as well as some of the regulars at their thought provoking best.

The weekly Christian Carnival is an opportunity for Christian blog writers to share their best posts from the previous week. The topic of the post doesn’t necessarily have to focus on Christianity but it must reflect a Christian worldview, and the writer must be Christian to qualify.

As always it’s a real honour to be able to present such a diverse range of great posts.

Please take the time to read through each post … it’s worth it. You might also like to link to this week’s carnival so that your blog readers can enjoy the variety of styles and thought.

FMF sent in the first submission this week asking Do You Really Want to Change Your Financial Future? posted at Free Money Finance.

Kathryn says work can be a joy and a ministry. All you need to do is find your God given passion and the follow it. Read more of Kathryn’s thoughts in Find Your Passion posted at Living the Proverbs 31 Life.

The current global financial crisis has prompted Peter to write Words of Hope In Turbulent Times: Don’t Be Afraid posted at Bible Money Matters.

ChristianPF is also searching for what the Bible has to say about the financial crisis with Encouraging Bible Verses for the Financial Crisis over at Christian Personal Finance.

Lynn Fowler presents Christian Spiritual Warfare » Not Just a Talisman at her blog Christian Spiritual Warfare.

Alex Huggett took part in Blog Action Day and brings us his insights in Blog Action Day – Compassion and Poverty at his excellent blog Alex Rants.

Being a cat lover I immediately identified with Heath Countryman’s contribution, Black Cat Ministry, posted at Esprit d’escalier. Whether you love cats or not, you’ll gain valuable insights from this one.

Diane R is getting tired of the New Christian Tolerance Police and wonders if you are too. Find out what she means by reading The New Christian Tolerance Police posted at Crossroads: Where Faith and Inquiry Meet.

Danny, the Success Professor, encourages you to Simplify Your Budget. Great advice in difficult times.

Tiffany presents So Right, You’re Wrong as she delves into the discovery that being right isn’t nearly as important as being humble and teachable over at her blog Fathom Deep: Sounding the Depths of God.

Mark from A Sower’s Heart looks at putting your hand to the plow in his post Plowing Along.

Brian Russell of the Real Meal blog has written Moving Through the Maze: Reflection on Bible Translations. His essay explores the differences between modern English translations of the Bible. It also reflects on the pros and cons of the various approaches to Bible translation.

Mark at Pseudo-Polymath provides a starting point for political ethics from Genesis to modern political ideas of rights and limiting governmental authority in the post Ethics and the State.

Ken’s post Literalism and the Ascension discusses what it means, and whether it is legitimate, to take the Bible’s miraculous stories “literally” over at C Orthodoxy.

You can investigate how people’s ideas about sacrifice differ from those of the ancient world and a bit about the impact of this for teaching a passage such as Hebrews 7-9 at Henry’s Participatory Bible Study Blog with the post Sacrifice Then and Now.

Jeremy has written a criticism of an argument from Bart Ehrman’s Misquoting Jesus in Ehrman on John 1:18 posted at Parableman.

Rey from the Bible Archive shares what he describes as his likely heretical vision for the western Protestant church in The Once and Future Church.

Raffi Shahinian’s contribution is the post Top 10 Things I Learned from N.T. Wright, Bart Ehrman and The Problem of Evil posted at parables of a prodigal world.

And that’s it for this edition of the Christian Carnival. I hope you’re already thinking about your posts for the next edition which is being hosted at Fish and Cans.

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About the author

Rodney Olsen

Rodney is a husband, father, cyclist, blogger and podcaster from Perth Western Australia.

He has worked in radio at Perth's media ministry Sonshine for over 25 years and has previously worked at ministries such as Compassion Australia and Bible Society.

The views he expresses here are his own.

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