Christian Carnival 327

christian_carnival_lion.jpgWelcome to the 327th edition of the Christian Carnival. There is some great reading here and I’m sure you’ll enjoy working your way through the list of posts.

The weekly Christian Carnival is an opportunity for Christian blog writers to share their best posts from the previous week. The topic of the post doesn’t necessarily have to focus on Christianity but it must reflect a Christian worldview, and the writer must be Christian to qualify.

As always it’s a real honour to be able to present such a diverse range of great posts.

Please take the time to read through each post … it’s worth it. You might also like to link to this week’s carnival so that your blog readers can enjoy the variety of styles and thought. Another way to spread the word about the Christian Carnival is to click any of the buttons below this post to share the carnival on Facebook, Twitter, StumbleUpon or any of the other sites represented.

Starting things off this week is FMF presenting Channeled Tithing at Free Money Finance, a post about being surprised by God when we remain faithful.

Can we still stand up for morality? Ronnica has started a great conversation at Ignorant Historian with her post Taking Liberties with Liberty.

I’ve enjoyed reading HARMLESS THOUGHTS for years. This time around Matt Harmless presents an interesting look at Abide in Christ, a book by the great Christian writer Andrew Murray in the post Abide in Christ.

Barry Wallace has presented a challenging post asking us What Part of the Gospel Is Optional? Check out the post with a very thought provoking video at who am i?.

Have you ever heard of the myth of chronic uniqueness? Deb W. explains what it’s all about in Myth of Chronic Uniqueness & God’s Word at All Things Being Made New.

The growth of atheism is something that is causing some Christians concern, but if we trust an almighty God there’s no need for us to worry. Andrew presents a thoughtful post titled The answer to atheists at Rely on God in your personal development.

Richard H. Anderson presents his post about Continuing Revelation at his blog dokeo kago grapho soi kratistos Theophilos.

Singing when times are good and the sun is shining is easy but what about when times are difficult? Violet N. has written an excellent post titled Singing through your stress test. Check it out at Other Food: daily devo’s.

Sarah has been thinking about the way that some people make plans and talk about future events without leaving room for our sovereign God. her post Not When, But If at This is what Sed said gives us some great food for thought.

A great reminder from Ridge Burns that Ministry Is Hard at Ridge’s Blog.

Weekend Fisher takes on one of the big faith issues, that of evolution and creation, with the post Controversies in the church: Creation at Heart, Mind, Soul, and Strength.

Diane R. has written a short but pointed post that should generate some interest. I think I’ve finally figured it out can be found at Crossroads: Where Faith and Inquiry Meet.

To finish this week Jeremy Pierce helps us get to grips with some would perceive as a conflict in Scripture. Read Proverbs and Wives at Parableman to see what Jeremy has to say.

If you’re a Christian and you missed out this week, how about choosing something to contribute for next week’s edition? It doesn’t have to be a masterpiece, just a post that outlines your point of view or is designed to get others thinking. Being part of the carnival could be a great way to gain a little extra traffic at your blog.

The easiest way to get involved is to submit your article through the Blog Carnival Submission Form. Otherwise, you can email the submission address.

Thanks for reading. Don’t forget to spread the word. Feel free to click any of the buttons below to share the carnival on Facebook, Twitter, StumbleUpon or any of the other sites represented.

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About the author

Rodney Olsen

Rodney is a husband, father, cyclist, blogger and podcaster from Perth Western Australia.

He has worked in radio at Perth's media ministry Sonshine for over 25 years and has previously worked at ministries such as Compassion Australia and Bible Society.

The views he expresses here are his own.

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