Christian Carnival 334

christian_carnival_lion.jpgWelcome to the 334th edition of the Christian Carnival. There is some great reading here and I’m sure you’ll enjoy working your way through the list of posts.

The weekly Christian Carnival is an opportunity for Christian blog writers to share their best posts from the previous week. The topic of the post doesn’t necessarily have to focus on Christianity but it must reflect a Christian worldview, and the writer must be Christian to qualify.

As always it’s a real honour to be able to present such a diverse range of great posts.

Please take the time to read through each post … it’s worth it. You might also like to link to this week’s carnival so that your blog readers can enjoy the variety of styles and thought. Another way to spread the word about the Christian Carnival is to click any of the buttons below this post to share the carnival on Facebook, Twitter, StumbleUpon or any of the other sites represented.

Let’s get started!

Have any major figures in business or the media gone to a Christian College? Phil Lopez answers that question with his post Famous Christian College Alumni at Christian Colleges and Universities.

Meghan Macy has a lovely devotional post titled He rejected spiritual wisdom. It’s well worth heading over to 1:41 Ministries to read what she’s written.

Robert Fenn writes that while it may sound strange, a Christian entrepreneur needs wisdom first and not money. Read the post A Christian Entrepreneur Should Pray For Wisdom and Not Money at Christian Entrepreneur.

It’s sad but true that many people feel most alone when they go to church. Quite a few are made more aware of their singleness at church and feel so alone there. That doesn’t necessarily mean that they feel unloved but it’s something that we all need to understand. Susan L. Prince tells her story with the post Acutely Aware of My Singleness…at Church? over at Sisters’ Weblog: It Bloggles the Mind!.

The title that Henry (Honzo) Imler chose for his post had me intrigued from the start. Guilty fabergé eggs is a great read at The PoMo Xian.

Those of us who choose Christian schooling for our children know that the extra cost can sometimes be a strain.Jim Huinink has written the post Deciding If You Can Afford Christian School Tuition for Christian Personal Finance. His conlusions may surprise you.

“The framed envelope hanging on our kitchen wall is nondescript reminder of God’s goodness.” What’s the story behind the envelope? Joe Plemon explains in the post The Envelope Story: A Reminder of Hope posted at Personal Finance By The Book.

Should we take out insurance? Does rellying on insurance send the message that we’re not rellying on God? Does the Bible advocate having insurance? FMF presents The Seven Pillars of Financial Success, Pillar 6: Get Insured at Free Money Finance.

Have you ever wondered what people really mean when they talk about ‘fellowship’? That’s what Crystal Rodli has written about in We Only Need To Have One Thing In Common posted at In A Clay Pot.

Paul Manata presents a very detailed review of Michael Sudduth’s recent book, The Reformed Objection to Natural Theology. The book has been recommended by Alvin Plantinga, Richard Swinburne, and Paul Helm. Read the post The Reformed Objection to Natural Theology at Triablogue.

John Fraiser presents Which Would You Rather Do Without: Science or Theology? posted at Chaos & Old Night.

It’s a question that just won’t go away and one with which we all need to wrestle. Anthony Delgado asks Did Creation Take Place in 7 Literal Days? at eInquisitive.

Kids can ask some pretty tough questions. How do we answer? Annette presents Question asked tonight posted at Fish and Cans.

In the US the Supreme Court has allowed public colleges and universities to ban religious groups from campus if they require a statement of faith for membership and leadership. How should we respond? Jeremy Pierce presents Free to Ban Religious Groups at Parableman.

Sarah has written a thought provoking post about being a writer and expressing values that may not match your own. I encourage you to read From Head to Hand: Being a Christian Writer at This is what Sed said.

Sadly, there are people who believe that a life of faith doesn’t stand up to intellectual investigation. Russ White believes that the Christian life begins with thinking. Taking Every Thought Captive at Thinking in Christ draws out that theme.

Somebody once said that you are what people think of you, that perceptions are reality. Ridge Burns thinks that is true, but he also thinks that perceptions can get us in trouble. Find out more by reading Perspectives posted at Ridge’s Blog.

A biologist says that science proves human free will is an illusion. Really? Where is the real illusion?Tom Gilson presents the post Free Will: Where’s the Real Illusion? at Thinking Christian.

Andrew has been thinking about Our Needs. He’s posted his thoughts at Rely on God in Your Personal Development.

We need to be so careful in the way we handle the scriptures and today Barry Wallace presents what he thinks is a helpful word of caution in the post Arguments from Silence at who am i?.

If you’re a Christian and you missed out this week, how about choosing something to contribute for next week’s edition? It doesn’t have to be a masterpiece, just a post that outlines your point of view or is designed to get others thinking. Being part of the carnival could be a great way to gain a little extra traffic at your blog.

The easiest way to get involved is to submit your article through the Blog Carnival Submission Form. Otherwise, you can email the submission address.

Thanks for reading. Don’t forget to spread the word. Feel free to click any of the buttons below to share the carnival on Facebook, Twitter, StumbleUpon or any of the other sites represented.

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About the author

Rodney Olsen

Rodney is a husband, father, cyclist, blogger and podcaster from Perth Western Australia.

He has worked in radio at Perth's media ministry Sonshine for over 25 years and has previously worked at ministries such as Compassion Australia and Bible Society.

The views he expresses here are his own.

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  • Mr. Rodney Olsen, Chad Parker wrote the article “Fast to Give”, I [Drew Castel] wrote the article “Fasting” that you are referencing on this page. We are the co-owners of the site.
    We just want to thank you for your consideration and fervent passion for truth.
    Respectfully and truly yours,
    in blessings,
    Drew Castel.

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