Are Christians Being Vilified?

An interesting story has surfaced today with news that a Victorian man is suing the 7 Network over use of the name “Jesus Christ” as a swear word in the British-made series Prime Suspect. He says the practice is insulting and disrespectful to Christians.

“It is high time that television stations like yours be called to account for your defamation of the name Jesus Christ, a practice that insults hundreds of thousands of Christian believers,” Mr van der Linden said in his legal documents.

I heard Mr van der Linden on ABC radio this morning. When I heard the introduction I thought he would be a ‘religious crackpot’ but he spoke very well and made a number of good points.

The reason he chose the particular programme he did was because an episode looked at the vilification of Muslims. Apparently the show was based around stopping such vilification while at the same time people were using “Jesus Christ” in a derogatory way without seeming to notice the irony.

I don’t know that legislating against such usage is the right way to go but I admire this guy for standing up for the name of Jesus.

It was very interesting to hear many talkback callers ring after his interview to say that they agreed wholeheartedly.

What do you think? Should we take matters like this to court in order to uphold the name of Jesus? How else could we change the habits of those who use the name of Jesus as nothing more than an exclamation?

Posted by Rodney Olsen

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About the author

Rodney Olsen

Rodney is a husband, father, cyclist, blogger and podcaster from Perth Western Australia.

He has worked in radio at Perth's media ministry Sonshine for over 25 years and has previously worked at ministries such as Compassion Australia and Bible Society.

The views he expresses here are his own.

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  • I get sad when I hear Jesus’ name being slandered. Both because 1) it is so insulting to a man who was love on two legs and 2) because I rarely challenge people to consider their words carefully.

    It is, though an interesting view on followers of Jesus, vs. Mohammed. When love, acceptance and forgiveness drive the followers, insulting your leader seems to be acceptable. In many counties you would be seriously harmed for mentioning the name of Allah, let alone using it in the perjorative.

    Still, is it apathy or acceptance that holds Christians back from standing up ?

  • It could be apathy or acceptance as you say.

    I also wonder if it may be a fear of confrontation. (Though Jesus was not afraid of confrontation on our behalf.)

    Is it a reluctance to hold others accountable to our standards and if so, is that right or wrong?

    I don’t believe that it is my place to call non-Christians to live a biblical life. If they have not accepted Jesus they are not accountable to him.

    But is this case different? This is not the acceptance or non-acceptance of a code of behaviour as much as showing respect or disrespect for Jesus.

    How should we respond when someone uses the name of Jesus as a ‘curse’ or swear word?

  • Rodney, I think we should respond as Jesus would…”Forgive them Father, they know not what they do”…

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