I was reminded today of an excellent article titled Doing the Lucozade Thing by Kathy Hasler that I read some time ago.
It comes from a back issue of The Bible in TransMission published by the British Bible Society.
Part of the article says, “The painful truth is that within the sophisticated world of lifestyle media – and arguably much of secular culture – Christianity is so hopelessly disregarded as to be virtually unmentionable in its raw state. Use our buzzwords like “Jesus”, “prayer”, “church” and “Christian” at your peril – easier to suggest we all buy our working wardrobes from Woolworths! By stark contrast, however, mention spirituality and you’re likely to generate a frisson of interest in even the most elevated of media circles. The PR challenge (at least in the minds of the media) is how to link genuine Christian faith and belief with the urbane and sophisticated subject of emerging spirituality. Because emerging it is – from Feng Shui to monastic retreats, Zen gardens to Buddhist-inspired dietary regimes, spirituality is on the journalists’ agenda in a big way.”
Read through the rest of the article and let me know what you think.
If you’ve never read any of The Bible in TransMission I’m sure you’ll find plenty of very interesting articles there. In the introduction to the magazine they say, “Surrounded by change, the Church cannot afford to stand still. The Bible in TransMission’s editorial committee aims to stimulate thought and discussion to meet the changing needs, to push professionals to extend their insights and understanding, sometimes to take a new direction. We commission practitioners and creative thinkers in varied spheres of church ministry, as well as those who bring insights from other disciplines, to ignite thought and discussion.”
Enjoy some reading time browsing the articles.
Posted by Rodney Olsen
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Had a quick read of Kathy’s article, very impressed. I printed a copy so I can read it more in depth later. Says a lot about making the Bible culturally relevant for the people we live amongst, work with etc. The truth is in Christ’s day He made the Gospel culturally relevant. I don’t think He meant us just to drop our cultural and fit into something foreign to be a Christian. Makes me think lots about how I can better present what I believe.