Have you had a chance to listen to Radiothon on 98.5 Sonshine FM yet?
If you have tried listening on-line in the past week or so without success, you may like to try again. The server was down but is now up and running. Just go to the website and click on listen live.
As mentioned, you can also follow the Radiothon 2004 links to see the video stream. (Let’s know if you see me buzzing around in your computer.)
Posted by Rodney Olsen
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I not only heard you, I saw you Friday morning. You were interviewing a female TV personality (her name escapes me.) You were also covering over the webcam with a sheet of paper that said call and donate!
I thought it interesting to see what goes on “behind-the-scenes” of radio. I never realized how much you people eat when you’re off-air. (In all fairness, I believe it may have been lunch-time.)
God bless.
Thanks Clint – your post has really made my day.
I love working back in radio and being able to share it with friends, wherever they are in the world, is very special to me.
Thanks for tuning in. I’ll be on-air a fair bit over the weekend too.