What in Heaven's Name are We Doing?

Richard at Connexions pointed me toward this article at BBC News.

It’s all about the Church of England finding ways to lure people back to church. They’ve decided to offer a fair trade chocolate bar to every worshipper.

Their aim is to make the point that the church is all about trying to bring justice and fair trade across the world.

Aaah! So that’s what the church is about is it?

Bishop McCulloch told BBC Radio 4’s Sunday programme the chocolate was not a gimmick.

He said: “When people come and receive the chocolate they discover it is not just a gimmick, it’s not an ordinary kind of chocolate fondant. This is a piece of fair trade chocolate.

“The point then to make is that church isn’t just about going to a cosy club, it’s about belonging to an organisation which has a job of trying to bring justice and fair trade across the world.”

So that’s what the church is about. I’m sorry guys but I think I know why numbers are declining. You’re offerring people the oportunity to be part of a political organisation. The problem is that there are plenty of other organisations that are fighting for justice and free trade across the world and doing a better job at it.

That’s not to say that as Christians we shouldn’t be interested in justice issues, the scriptures clearly tell us that we should, but if that’s all you’re offering, people can get it elsewhere without the guilt and ceremony.

I thought we were meant to be the body of Christ. I thought we had the words of eternal life to share. I thought that millions of people were facing a Christless eternity unless we got on with the job of reaching them with the gospel. I thought that we were to bring healing and life. I thought we were to be about our Father’s business in worshipping him with every fibre of our being, but apparently we’re just an organisation trying to bring about justice and fair trade.

If that’s what it’s all about, you can keep your chocolate.

Posted by Rodney Olsen

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About the author

Rodney Olsen

Rodney is a husband, father, cyclist, blogger and podcaster from Perth Western Australia.

He has worked in radio at Perth's media ministry Sonshine for over 25 years and has previously worked at ministries such as Compassion Australia and Bible Society.

The views he expresses here are his own.

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  • it’s almost like this church thinks loving people back to the Lord is not good enough…how can a chocolate bar compare to God’s love?

    I guess it’s easier to offer a worldly solution then actually get involved with people, become their friends and build those personal relationships, which show them this irresistible God living in us.

  • when i was 4 or so my mum used to give me a matchbox car everytime she washed my hair because i hated it so much, and it made it somewhat bareable……sounds remarkably similar…

  • I have an assocaite who regualarly attends an mainline denomination Church – he scoffs at the claims of Christ…for him its all about becoming a better person – all religion is basically the same…what is being taught in some of the main-line Churches nowadays?

  • Thanks for your comment at my blog this morning! :o)And thanks for saying this in your blog: “I thought that millions of people were facing a Christless eternity unless we got on with the job of reaching them with the gospel.” I said something similar in my blog recently and man! ‘Christians’ commented that we should just leave unsaved people ALONE and they’ll find their own way to God… and they said all religions eventually lead to one God. ???? I’d never had so many negative personal comments before…argh… But seeing your post has encouraged me~~so thanks! God bless…Debra

  • rodney, rodney, rodney… so simplistic… you just don’t understand, do you? there’s so much more to the gospel than “eternal life” and all that fundamentalist mumbo jumbo… 🙂

  • hey…to your comment on my site:

    “Seeing as worship is simply following God’s plan and serving him, shouldn’t we be worshipping 24 hours a day – 7 days a week?”

    Amen to that! What you said is true, we should be worshiping and praising God 24hours 7 days a week but theres nothing wrong with getting together with other christians and other churches and praying together for this nation especially with with the upcoming election. You have to come to a 24 hour praise and worship one time if you havent already experienced it yourself.

    I totally agree with you!
    God Bless!

  • Well said! I thought our “great commission” was to proclaim the good news to the ends of the Earth. I had no idea fair trade was involved, much less chocolate.

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