There was a treasure hunt at our place yesterday morning.
When James got up he decided to plant clues around the house to help us find some very special treasure.
For a 6 year old boy, it’s hard to imagine a more precious treasure than a CIA identity card. He had created an identity card with a place for a photo and the secret agent’s name. Our treasure hunt led us to the card eventually.
We had to start at the front door and move through the house as we found the clues. The clues were pieces of paper that had been rolled up and partially hidden. When we opened up the scrolls we found that he had drawn arrows on them to point us toward the next one.
It was just as well we had him with us as we searched for the treasure. We needed him to make sure we held the paper the right way so that the arrows didn’t point us in the wrong direction. I suppose they all pointed the right way when he drew them.
I must admit that I found it pretty funny at the time. If we had held the paper the wrong way we would have ended up in a completely different place and the treasure would still be hidden.
Without any fixed reference points we would have been lost. Thankfully James gave us those points so that we could go on.
I reckon life’s a bit like that. If we don’t have anything as a definite starting point to ground us or to help us to look at our surroundings from the right perspective, we can get horribly lost.
My fixed reference point in life is my Christian faith. It tells me that I need to treat all people with respect. I need to put the needs of others ahead of my own, even when I don’t agree with their point of view. I need to seek justice for others.
My faith gives me a perspective on what I see happening in the world. It helps me discern what’s right and wrong. It tells me that there is no place for bigotry in this world and that those who do evil in the name of Jesus or religion have missed the point. It tells me that while I may disagree strongly with someone else’s actions or ideologies, I still need to show them love.
Best of all, thanks to what Jesus did when he was here 2000 years ago I am mysteriously connected to the creator who helps me begin living out the life that his fixed reference points direct me towards.
Posted by Rodney Olsen
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