I don’t know about you but I’m not really keen on walking in on a TV show or movie half way through. I have to spend the rest of my time trying to work out what has happened before. I miss out all the character development that everyone else has seen. If I had seen the programme from the beginning I would have known that the reason the young woman is winking at the man in the black hat is because they’re both Russian agents working undercover.
It’s the same with meetings. If I walk in late I never know where we’re up to and so I don’t know if I try to put in my two cents worth I’m raising a point that was already hammered out 20 minutes ago.
Try reading a book from the middle and you just know you’re going to give up before you finish the next chapter.
So, being the generous guy that I am, I’m giving you the opportunity to get in at the ground level of something new. You’ll never have to wonder what came before or what you’ve missed.
Peter Hotchkin has been a mate of mine for around 25 years. He’s intelligent, witty, thoughtful and lots of other good words. He’s now taken to the blogosphere at Whale’s Belly. He’s only posted a few times so far, so now’s your chance to get involved right where the story starts. His blog is honest and funny. I dare you to read his account of his recent Qantas flight without smiling.
Don’t be put off by the off the rack Blogger template, you’ll find Whale’s Belly to be honest and interesting. Please take a few minutes to drop in and say hello to Peter (or Jonah if you prefer) and bookmark his blog while you’re there.
Posted by Rodney Olsen
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