Dream Job

After being tagged and having to consider a bunch of different jobs, I was wondering about a dream job.

What kind of work are you doing at the moment and what would be your dream job?

At the moment, I’m on-air from 9 to midday each weekday morning at Sonshine FM. I’m pretty much working my dream job. Sure there are things I’d like to do differently in my job and some days are better than others but it’s a great job and it’s where I feel I should be.

What about you? Are you just working for the man or are you doing what you want to do?

Posted by Rodney Olsen

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About the author

Rodney Olsen

Rodney is a husband, father, cyclist, blogger and podcaster from Perth Western Australia.

He has worked in radio at Perth's media ministry Sonshine for over 25 years and has previously worked at ministries such as Compassion Australia and Bible Society.

The views he expresses here are his own.

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  • well i’m working in a provincial park and i get to chat with folks about the park every day as part of the job … plus i do paperwork, computer work, use the radio (the roger/10-4 type of radio!)… so this is a job i’m happy in – tho’ maybe not a dream job …

    the ONLY bad part of any job is that it keeps me away from my sweetie, my quiet time and my blog friends!

    i’m trying to catch up on your world Rodney … i got tagged last week too … it was a fun exercise, wasn’t it?

    have a GREAT weekend!

  • Hey Rodney, My current job is stay home wife and mom. My dream job would be running a bed and breakfast. Man, I’ve changed…

  • Dream job? Hmmmmmmm (screen goes all blurry for a few seconds).
    When I was about 10 years old I decided that I wanted to be an actor working in television comedies. 30 years later I still wish I had taken the risk to follow this path. (screen returns to normal computer monitor and the problem with our firewall is still there, ho hum)

  • My dream job?? Mattress tester? Just kidding! I am trying to get to my dream job. I want to own my own business that will be staffed entirely by my family. I would get to spend all day with them and someday, give it over to my kids!!

  • I love music and your work sounds great!

    I do web and graphic design from my home, homeschool my children, and although I don’t have enough work yet, I do like what I am building. It is a dream!

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