I went to Myer to look at MP3 players today. The guy behind the counter was very helpful. I asked him if I could have a demo of one of the players and he told me that he didn’t know if the battery was charged.
He told me he would, “flash it up” to see if there was any charge in the battery. He then proceeded to press the power button.
Flash it up? In my day we used to call that turning or switching it on.
I think I’m pretty good at keeping up with new technology. It’s keeping up with the latest buzz words that gives me trouble.
Posted by Rodney Olsen
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Haha. I still am not quite sure what an MP3 player even looks like. I think I was born in the wrong generation. 🙂
That’s hilarious. wasn’t there a disco song in the 70s called Flash It Up?
Are you sure he meant “switching it on”? I’d be clarifying that point, or better yet, finding another salesman less prone to “flashing”. 🙂
Here’s one you probably haven’t heard: popoing, pronounced “po-po-ing.” Short for “power off, power on.” Gets rid of gremlins in any sort of fred. (Short for f… retarded electronic device).
I love my little iPod. Didn’t know it could flash too!
heh, those trendy information-age buzzwords still mystify me the first time I hear them.
My favourite bit of jargon, which is floating around the tech companies at the moment, is ‘dogfooding’. As in; ‘we’re dogfooding the latest release of our product at the moment’.
It’s the verbification of the phrase ‘we eat our own dog food’, suggesting that our product is *so* good, *even we use it*. Hence, we use our own product: ‘dogfooding’.
Great mental image.