Hitting the ground running

It’s been a busy few days. I got back to work fom my two week break on Monday of last week and it’s been pretty full on ever since. My first week back ran for 6 days before a day off on Sunday to catch my breath. It was back into it again yesterday with another busy week underway.

I’ve had a great time talking to a range of interesting people on-air during my morning radio programme on 98.5 Sonshine FM.

As well as my regular weekday guests returning throughout last week, we had a wonderful day last Thursday with Compassion Day. It’s one day a year that we focus on having as many children as possible sponsored through aid agency Compassion Australia. By the end of the day our listeners had taken up the challenge to sponsor 115 children, mainly in India.

Among interviews this week, I chatted this morning to Dr. Kate Challis (pictured) who will be speaking at a lecture this Thursday evening titled Decoding the art of Da Vinci. Dr. Challis is a highly respected Renaissance art historian and she looks at the claims Dan Brown makes in the Da Vinci Code about the art of Leonardo Da Vinci.

Also this morning I chatted to prolific, best selling author, historian and musician, John Dickson, about his latest book, The Christ Files. The book takes the reader through what we can realistically know about the life of Jesus of Nazareth from (largely hostile) ancient pagan and Jewish writings as well as New Testament and near contemporary Christian sources from the time of Jesus or soon after. The Christ Files is a book for believers and skeptics alike as it sifts through the evidence before leaving any conclusions up to the reader. John writes in a very readable, conversational style and with this latest book only being around 100 pages, it’s an easy and worthwhile read.

I had the real pleasure yesterday of welcoming internationally acclaimed photographer, Ken Duncan, into the studio. We pre-recorded an interview which I’ll be putting to air tomorrow morning just after 9:00 Perth time. You can listen on-line if you’re not in the Perth area. Ken will be conducting a free photography workshop on Thursday evening. It’s open to everyone from amateurs to professionals. If you’ve never seen his amazing panoramic photography, please take the time to drop in on his website and have a look around. Ken is known by many people as a friend of Mel Gibson. Mel invited Ken onto the set of the Passion of the Christ to take stills shots of the filming.

There are still a number of people that I’ll be chatting to on-air before the week’s out. I’ll have to post about a couple more in the next couple of days.

By the way, if you ever hear of anyone who you think would be a great interview subject, please let me know.

Posted by Rodney Olsen

Technorati Tags: – Sonshine FM –

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About the author

Rodney Olsen

Rodney is a husband, father, cyclist, blogger and podcaster from Perth Western Australia.

He has worked in radio at Perth's media ministry Sonshine for over 25 years and has previously worked at ministries such as Compassion Australia and Bible Society.

The views he expresses here are his own.

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  • Hiya Rodney,
    Haven’t been listening in much of late, running around with bubs BUT, if you ever need interview subjects we often have a few that you could interview who have been on both traditional missionary and more humanitarian missionary type trips (or a mix) from WA. I’m sure we could tee it up for one or two to do an interview. Feel free to give me a call or drop me an email if you ever need it.

  • Hey Amanda, I’m always open to possibilities. Can you email me details of some of the peopel you’re thinking about?

    Matt, I can’t say I envy your job but I do admire the work you do. I think it takes a very special kind of person to teach well. I do love my job and while I’m sure that every job has its ‘moments’ you do seem to enjoy what you do.

  • Hi again, I onlyjust checked back here to see what you responded with. I’ll talk to Michael and see if we can come up with some names.

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