Sock, sock, shoe, shoe or sock, shoe, sock, shoe?
Posted by Rodney Olsen
Technorati Tags: Socks – Shoes – Questions
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Sock, sock, shoe, shoe or sock, shoe, sock, shoe?
Posted by Rodney Olsen
Technorati Tags: Socks – Shoes – Questions
It’s simple: Sock, sock, shoe, shoe. I never start looking for my shoes before I have my socks on
Sock, shoe, sock, shoe… left then right 😉
For me it is sock, sock, shoe, shoe. But then we don’t wear shoes in the house much, so that might be a factor… Then there is the question of what time I got to bed the night before…could be shoe, shoe, sock, sock if I’ve been up late blogging, updating websites or something… grin
I asked this question not long ago!!! For me it’s sock shoe, sock shoe, right then left
sock, sock, shoe, shoe. usually left then right for the socks (not sure if i do the same with the shoes or if its just whichever shoe i pick up first).8)
The latter, both left then right
flip – flop!
Oh definitely sock, sock, shoe shoe…starting with the left foot.
Brian must be a lefty. 🙂
But it all depends on whether the shoes are right there and how big of a hurry I’m in. If I’m in a hurry, I can be putting the left sock on while I’m putting the right shoe on (right after my right sock, of course.)
sock sock shoe shoe and definitely not shoe shoe sock sock 🙂
Sock, sock, shoe shoe, left to right. I’ve tried to do it right to left when I was putting on a pair of sneakers (for sneaking) and then my brain couldn’t cope with tying my shoelaces.
Um….depends on the shoe. For work it’s sock sock sock sock shoe shoe…
How funny… 🙂 Not that I’ve ever given this any thought before, but with me it’s sock, sock, shoe , shoe. Always has been. Probably always will be. … Debra
Sock, shoe, sock, shoe. Right then left. Socks don’t get dirty that way! 🙂
sock is a funny word… sock, sock, sock……
sock, sock, shoe, shoe
normally I’m a sock sock shoe shoe person, I’m all about balance. But I have to say the one instance where I change it up is when you put on shoes in a communal shower type situation (like at camps or a gym). You can’t afford to step down with a sock cos the floor is wet and if you walk out without shoes and socks on then your feet get dirty anyway and that totally destroys the purpose of showering.
sock, sock, shoe, shoe. but always right to left. don’t know why…i have just always done it that way 🙂