When it comes to brand new babies, a lot of dads feel a little out of their depth. What’s a dad to do in those early months?
My regular Monday morning radio guest on 98.5 Sonshine FM is Joan Grosser from Growing Families Australia. Each week we chat about parenting issues and take talkback calls from listeners.
Over the last couple of weeks we’ve been going back to basics and looking at babies. Today we invited David Scotford to join us on the programme to talk about having a new baby from a dad’s perspective.
David and his wife Charissa recently produced a DVD for new parents called Babywise Bliss. It covers a range of baby issues including dad’s role.
You can listen to today’s segment by clicking here. The audio will open in a new window so you can continue browsing while you listen.
Posted by Rodney Olsen
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Technorati Tags: Parenting – Babies – Radio – Sonshine FM
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