An early Christmas

You hear so much these days about avoiding the Christmas rush. We did just that last night.

We might have been a week early but we got together with my side of the family to celebrate Christmas together. Most of us will be spending time with in-laws on the day itself so we decided to get together for a barbecue last night.

I’m the youngest of five so by the time we squeeze the five of us into a room with spouses and kids there’s not enough room to swing a cat. (Not that I condone that kind of behaviour anyway.)

There was some very tasty food, lovely gifts exchanged, carols playing on the stereo and some wonderful conversation. It’s always great to watch our kids interacting with their cousins.

I think we might have to make this a regular thing. I like the idea of having an entire week to recover from one celebration before we start on the next one.

How do you go about catching up with your extended family during the Christmas season? Do you do it all in one day with breakfast, lunch and dinner all spent with different family members? Do you spread the festive cheer over a few days? Do you alternate each year so that everyone gets a turn at hosting family for Christmas?

Posted by Rodney Olsen

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About the author

Rodney Olsen

Rodney is a husband, father, cyclist, blogger and podcaster from Perth Western Australia.

He has worked in radio at Perth's media ministry Sonshine for over 25 years and has previously worked at ministries such as Compassion Australia and Bible Society.

The views he expresses here are his own.

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  • It’s made considerably easier by having my in-laws spread across to other countries. The trick is that my family is spending time with their in-laws, so we’re getting together Thursday night and will have a low key day with Mum and Dad on Monday.

  • I keep saying, it’s not just a DAY, it’s a SEASON!

    Spreading it out from middle of December to middle of January is how my family and extended family and friends have always done it.

    Makes all the preparation worth it, stretching the warmth out like that!

  • Aw come on, you know you want to swing the cat! 🙂

    I think your idea is wonderful! I agree that having a week to recuperate between festivities is a good thing. Maybe I’ll suggest that next year…

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