Valentine's Day roundup

I recently asked for a few romantic stories for Valentine’s Day. I got a number of responses.

David took up the challenge at Staypuff and posted the story of how he met his leading lady. Good to see that he’s planning on this Valentine’s Day being a little happier than some past years. What started as a friendship started to develop into something more. “Of course by this stage I was interested in her and I think she liked me too. I asked her if she would accompany me to a wedding of one of my friends, and she did, and was kind of our first real date by ourselves.” Smooth move taking someone to a wedding on a first date.

Shawna pointed me towards her post about her fiance proposing. She left a comment saying, “It wasn’t love at first sight at all when we met. He was just another guy I was working with.

After 9 months of working at a year round residential camp together we finally decided we were more than friends. (I think he decided this a few weeks before me and I definitely needed some convincing. I’m glad he convinced me though — its been worth it!!)” While Shawna may be romantic, she dosen’t buy into the whole Valentine’s Day thing. Check out her post on Cow Appreciation Day.

I really enjoyed Crofty’s comment. “I met my wife when we were both nurses at our local hospital. She was in charge of the ward but when I first arrived she was on holiday.

The staff spent two weeks bitching about the dragon in charge but when I saw her I fell for her straight away.

I suppose in our case our eyes met across a bed and the rest was history! See I mentioned bed and it wasn’t smutty.

Incidentally we celebrate twenty years in June.”

Barbara always has something interesting to say and so it was great to have her chime in on this one. “I have lots of romantic stories but the one that had the most impact was a “love at first sight”. I was 19, he was 25. I walked passed him, our eyes met, and that was it. It lasted only 6 months but was the most romantic relationship I’ve ever had – the whole thing was like scenes out of movies!

I don’t believe in love at first sight anymore – but I do believe that you can have such a strong attraction to a person that it would cause you to swim through shark infested waters to pursue the relationship because you believe that love is possible.

My latest love is an example of love at no sight – I have not met him in person, but I love him very much. He lives in Melbourne (yep he’s one of yours!) and we’ve been talking for 7 months. Its obviously complicated because of the distance and a few other things. But I firmly believe you can fall in love with someone through communicating. In some ways the way I feel about him is even more “real” because it hasn’t been affected by touching, kissing, etc. Once that enters the picture – ALL my senses fly out the window. This way, I know it’s the person I care for, not just the way he makes me feel or the physical attraction.”

Iris enjoys the simple displays of love. “Ingo sometimes leaves me notes where he emphasizes loving words inbetween words, making a sentence in the sentences that way. Or he watches “women-movies” with me. All the little stuff that makes it just big being together!” I know exactly what you mean. A simple word or a small thoughtful action has the ability to say so much.

Elsewhere around the blogosphere there’s some good Valentine’s reading. Joe from Evangelical Outpost has recycled his Valentine’s advice and it’s well worth the read.

James from Middo’s World reminded me of an old Joe Jackson song about Happy Loving Couples with his post about being single on the big day and his warning for couples to stay away from him.

Posted by Rodney Olsen

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About the author

Rodney Olsen

Rodney is a husband, father, cyclist, blogger and podcaster from Perth Western Australia.

He has worked in radio at Perth's media ministry Sonshine for over 25 years and has previously worked at ministries such as Compassion Australia and Bible Society.

The views he expresses here are his own.

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  • No romantic story of your own? 😉
    I have none myself. I think we need a Heroes Day. I have many stories of how my honey has saved the day! I always tell him he’s my hero – it’s so true.
    I hope you have a wonderful day. Rather, HAD one.

  • I read your response to my comment about Valentines Day over on Rachel’s blog. I guess I over simplified. I know Hallmark isn’t what’s behind the origins of the day, but they (and companies like them) have really turned the day into a commercial free-for-all. Here in the States there is tremendous pressure to buy tons of cards and gifts and create the perfect romantic moment. The stores are full of red heart-shaped items, chocolate and stuffed animals the minute Christmas is over.

  • I know exactly what you mean, Stacy. It’s very similar here.

    What annoys me most about the commercialisation of the day is that it’s been turned into a glorification of lust rather than a celebration of true love and commitment.

    I refuse to let go of the purer origins of the day so I spend the day in celebration of the love I have for my wife. Of course that doesn’t stop me from expressing my love for her and to her every other day of the year. 🙂

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