Waterwise Gardening

The temperature went above 40 degrees on Saturday here in Perth. That’s 40 degrees Celcius which is around 104 degrees Fahrenheit. We headed to the movies so we could sit in a cool dark room for a couple of hours.

That wasn’t quite as hot as the previous weekend when we had 3 days in a row, Friday, Saturday and Sunday, all reaching at least 41. (106 F)

With our harsh summers, booming population and limited water availability, we’re having to be a bit smarter about the gardens we create. With that in mind, local gardening expert, John Colwill, has teamed up with our Water Corporation to create an online Waterwise Guide to Gardens.

I spoke to John this morning during my radio programme on 98.5 Sonshine FM. Thanks to our new Audio On Demand service you can listen to our discussion on waterwise gardens by clicking here.

Posted by Rodney Olsen

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About the author

Rodney Olsen

Rodney is a husband, father, cyclist, blogger and podcaster from Perth Western Australia.

He has worked in radio at Perth's media ministry Sonshine for over 25 years and has previously worked at ministries such as Compassion Australia and Bible Society.

The views he expresses here are his own.

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  • There is a house on my street that has the best waterwise garden, it’s not really flourishing although it’s not unhealthy, why? They don’t seem to realise they have a water retaining garden and they are constantly watering it, overwatering it I think and watering in the high heat of the middle of the day.

    I really wish these site had flyers i could print out there are a few other houses i’ve noticed doing similar things, it’d be nice just to be able to put a waterwise flyer in their mailbox, with a bit of luck they might learn.

  • All it takes is bringing a bucket into the shower with you. While you’re trying to adjust the water to a comfortable temperature, let it fall into the bucket rather than down the train, then use the bucket for watering your garden. With this I managed to grow the best passionfruit vine on the Gold Coast at a time when the use of a hose was banned outright due to water restrictions.

    BTW, you have the right to remain tagged. http://life-cycle.blogspot.com/

  • Weather extremes – school here is closed today due to dangerously cold windchills.

    Living here, where there is so much water, we don’t often worry much about water conservation. Many of the garden bloggers do deal with this and have some great ideas for xeriscaping.

    Stay cool!

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