Are you a happy little Vegemite?

Around 50 years ago, 8 children burst onto the small screen singing about a thick black substance that Australians love but everyone else seems to hate.

The Happy Little Vegemites television advertisement ran for decades and is still a well loved part of Australian TV history.

Kraft, the makers of Vegemite, are now trying to track down the children who sang the Vegemite jingle all those years ago. It seems that no production records were kept when the ad was created and so they now have no idea who the children are who took part.

While they were children back then, the young performers would now be into their fifties and sixties.

This article at tells us that the Kraft company has devised some secret questions to make sure that those who might come forward are the real deal. I hope they’ve got some pretty good methods to weed out the wannabes.

I remember only a couple of years ago when the Royal Australian Mint was looking to portray the famous World War II Dancing Man on a one dollar coin, several men came forward claiming to be the one who was filmed dancing in a Sydney street in New South Wales, Australia all those years ago. If you haven’t heard of the Dancing Man, the legend began after the end of World War II when on August the 15th, 1945, a reporter took note of a man’s joyful expression and dance as he celebrated the end of war and asked him to do it again. The man consented and was caught on motion picture film. The resulting film has been played again and again on television and film ever since.

So, were you one of the happy little Vegemites 50 years ago?

Posted by Rodney Olsen

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About the author

Rodney Olsen

Rodney is a husband, father, cyclist, blogger and podcaster from Perth Western Australia.

He has worked in radio at Perth's media ministry Sonshine for over 25 years and has previously worked at ministries such as Compassion Australia and Bible Society.

The views he expresses here are his own.

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  • We have Marmite in the UK which, I am told, is from the same mould. I love it, but try this: spread Marmite/Vegamite on toast and then spread a layer of honey on top. Sounds wrong but tastes great!

  • I tried vegemite when I was in Perth. In spite of it, I still stayed six weeks. You people are very weird! I guess it’s right when they say you have to develop a taste in childhood

  • I still have a glass of it on my kitchen shelf. If you look hard enough, you can see I really tried more than once to “enjoy” it 😉

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