Freeway Bike Hike 2007

I had a magnificent day yesterday.

For the second time in as many years I pedalled from Belmont to Joondalup in the Freeway Bike Hike, raising money for asthma research.

For several hours, one half of the freeway was closed to cars and it became a huge cycleway.

The event started at Belmont Racecourse, just outside Perth, and made its way through the Graham Farmer tunnel and up the Mitchell Freeway all the way to Joondalup; a distance of 30 km. There was also a shorter 10 km ride for families and those who weren’t quite up to the challenge of cycling 30 km.

With riding to the start line and then riding home later I clocked up 70 kilometres for the morning. It was a warm day but I was home before it got too hot.

It’s a rather special feeling to be rocketing up the freeway on two wheels with 7000 other people. It was interesting to see the range of bikes and riders. There were some very nice bikes that obviously get a regular workout and then others that probably last saw daylight when they were pulled out of the shed for last year’s event.

It was a great event, wonderfully planned and I’m looking forward to next year but I do wonder how many of the irregular cyclists are feeling a bit sore today.

Posted by Rodney Olsen

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About the author

Rodney Olsen

Rodney is a husband, father, cyclist, blogger and podcaster from Perth Western Australia.

He has worked in radio at Perth's media ministry Sonshine for over 25 years and has previously worked at ministries such as Compassion Australia and Bible Society.

The views he expresses here are his own.

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  • Brisbane had it’s big ride on Sunday as well.

    Ours was a 60k ride – i just blogged about it, and then came over here and read your account of your event. I think they were slightly different.

    you got a freeway ride, we got shuffeled up into some of the biggest hills i’ve ever had to ride up!!!!

    glad i did it though!

  • I did it as well on the trusty mountain bike. I’m sure you left home, did the ride and got home before my wife and I finished!

  • I took part in a charity cycle ride around Oxford many moons ago – and have thought about doing it every year since.

    It was a 50 mile route (not sure how many km that is, but a lot… strangely, my future wife was also out on the route somewhere on a bike – only we wouldn’t meet for another 2 years.

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