The battle lines are drawn. Let the war begin.
Some homes resemble a war zone. Siblings insist on battling it out to the end. Parents get more and more frazzled trying to keep the peace.
What can you do if your children are constantly fighting? Some people just pass it off as something that kids will do, no matter what, but if we don’t act to stop fighting, especially physical exchanges, our children can carry inadequate conflict resolution skills into adulthood.
Thankfully Emily and James get on very well and most of the time they can live peacefully with each other. Even when there is friction, they know how to push each others’ buttons and get a reaction but it’s very rare for it to get violent.
My regular Monday morning radio guest on 98.5 Sonshine FM is Joan Grosser from Growing Families Australia. Each week we chat about parenting issues and take talkback calls from listeners.
Today we talked about children who fight and looked at the foundations we need to teach our children to help them deal with conflict and their own feelings.
You can listen to today’s segment now by clicking here. If’ you’d like to save the mp3 and listen later just right click here and save the file to your computer.
Have you had to help your children to stop fighting and start working together? What have you found to work? How have you gone about teaching children respect for each other?
I’d love to get your point of view. Please feel free to leave a comment or two.
Posted by Rodney Olsen
Technorati Tags: Sibling Rivalry – Parenting – Radio
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