Ever find yourself wondering what to blog about?
Do you sometimes wish you could find a new way to present your posts? Do you get stuck for ideas on how to turn a good post into a great post? Want to freshen up the way you write?
Philip Liu of I Help You Blog has written a great post that should be required reading for all bloggers. 101 Great Posting Ideas That Will Make Your Blog Sizzle is a list of 101 ideas that will help you beat bloggers block. This post is a result of number 70 in the list, “Make a post summarizing someone else’s post”.
When you read through the list you’ll find some of the ideas simply won’t suit you or your blog but with 101 ideas you’re guaranteed to find many ideas that certainly will make your posts and your blog sizzle. I’ve bookmarked his post and I’ll be returning to it again and again over the coming weeks as I unpack all the ideas and find the ones that will work for me.
Some of the ideas Philip presents include being opinionated in your post, contrasting two or more positions in a post, debunking a myth, making a post for beginners, creating a list of your best posts or making a post about how things have changed from the past.
There are many more ideas just waiting for you to put your own particular spin on them. Some will prompt post ideas, others will just give you a new framework to explore an old idea.
Could you add to Philip’s list? Have you found any great ideas that have made your blog stand out from the ordinary? What are the keys you use to turn your readers into participants in the conversation? Feel free to leave your ideas in the comments section of this post.
Posted by Rodney Olsen
Technorati Tags: Blogging – Blogs – I Help You Blog
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Excellent post – I will have a proper read of it when I get into work later (at the time of writing it’s 7:45am, and I am trundling towards London on the train).
Hi Rodney,
I started a “virtual island hopping” experiment on my weblog. I think that was a nice idea and after ‘visiting’ the volcanic island of Jan Mayen (north of Iceland) I decided to go to a slightly warmer place that belongs to Costa Rica (but some 500 kilometers off the coast!). I just started with an island that I ‘discovered’ with Google earth; I’ve send out some emails to people who are (maybe) living on that island or who have published on the internet about their visits. My goal is to receive comments from these people and after some postings I will move on to visit the next isolated island somewhere on the globe. My blog readers seem to enjoy this too. Maybe I will hop on to Tuvalu next time? Any other suggestions?