I got my family back last night.
Pauline, Emily and James headed south on Monday to stay with friends in Busselton. That meant that I had the house to myself and could live life at my own pace for a few days. I love my family desperately but a couple of days to myself every now and then is not a bad thing.
My musical taste isn’t always appreciated by everyone in our home so on Tuesday night I spent some time relaxing with a couple of Diana Krall CDs cranked up on the stereo. Very relaxing.
On Wednesday evening I headed out to the blogger meetup.
A short return to being a bachelor was quite enjoyable. Mind you, I’m more than happy to have everyone home again. It’s refreshing to be reminded what single life is like every once in a while but I’d choose family life over being single any day.
Posted by Rodney Olsen
Technorati Tags: Family – Holiday – Busselton
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