Way out west

Are there certain things you’ve done in life that you count as great achievements? Moments that bring a smile to your face whenever their memories flash through your mind?

There are many of those moments dotted along the journey of my life and I suppose that my cycling achievements are right up there amongst the best. I’ve cycled across Australia five times as well as travelling extensively through the south west of Western Australia. I’ve flown half way around the world to cycle in Canada and I’ve been to India twice to mix it with their chaotic traffic.

Last week I added another great cycling achievement to the list. I cycled 26 kilometres.

You’re probably thinking that 26 kilometres isn’t much considering the fact that I’ve cycled more than 200 kilometres in a day on more than one occasion but this was different.

Most people that visit Rottnest Island stay within the settlement area. Some venture a little further but many never experience the wonder of the West End. At the far western point of Rottnest there are secluded beaches, great surfing spots, fascinating wildlife and magnificent scenery. I try to take a trip to the West End every time I get to Rotto. The terrain on the way is a little hilly but it’s not really a challenge for me.

Last Thursday I saddled up and did the distance with Emily and James. We were also joined by the family who were staying in the unit a few doors away from us.

Emily’s about to turn 11 so she was given a new bike as an early birthday present before we took our holiday. James, who’s 8, was given Emily’s old bike. We all mounted our trusty treadlies and headed west.

I was so thrilled for both Emily and James. The trip can be a bit of a challenge but they took to it very well. We even detoured on the way back and headed up Oliver’s Hill, the biggest hill on the island.

All in all we cycled 26 kilometres. Maybe not such a long way but it was a day that made me so incredibly proud that it ranks right up there with my favourite cycling achievements.

Posted by Rodney Olsen

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About the author

Rodney Olsen

Rodney is a husband, father, cyclist, blogger and podcaster from Perth Western Australia.

He has worked in radio at Perth's media ministry Sonshine for over 25 years and has previously worked at ministries such as Compassion Australia and Bible Society.

The views he expresses here are his own.

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  • That sounds like a lot of fun! 26K is an impressive distance for kids!

    We recently bought Zoe, our 6 yr old, a tag-along bike and I love biking with her. It’s a lot more fun than biking alone.

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