Come fly with me

I love flying. I’m afraid of heights but I love flying.

I generally don’t care what kind of aircraft I’m in as long as it lands the same number of times that it takes off but I wouldn’t mind trying out the Boeing 787 Dreamliner which has finally been unveiled in the US.

Boeing already has orders for 677 of the craft which is their first all new jet since airlines started flying the 777 in 1995. The Dreamliner incorporates a lot of carbon fibre components, making it lighter and more fuel efficient. If you want one, it’s likely to set you back over a hundred and sixty million US dollars. Depending on how the seating is configured it will carry between 210 and 330 passengers.

To unveil the new aircraft, Boeing put on the red carpet treatment for around fifteen thousand people at their factory north of Seattle.

While I’d love to try all the wonderful new features that the new plane boasts I am prepared to wait until they’ve run all the test flights that are planned. We can expect to see the Dreamliner in service around May next year.

What are you like with air travel? Are you a nervous flyer or do you enjoy being up among the clouds? I hate to admit it but I even enjoy airline food. What about you?

Posted by Rodney Olsen

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About the author

Rodney Olsen

Rodney is a husband, father, cyclist, blogger and podcaster from Perth Western Australia.

He has worked in radio at Perth's media ministry Sonshine for over 25 years and has previously worked at ministries such as Compassion Australia and Bible Society.

The views he expresses here are his own.

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  • I love to fly but don’t get to do it as much as I would like 🙁
    As for the airline food…I’m afraid I’d have to pass 😛

  • On our trip round the world last year, we had 23 flights altogether in 10 months! Yes, Rodney, I count too! We ook off 23 times and landed safely 23 times. It is good to match those two activities!
    If I see a bloke walking round with a suitcase I get itching packing hands… something like that. Just love to travel.

  • I’ve only flown twice – from Perth to Melbourne and back again. Like you, I’m afraid of heights but I felt quite safe flying. It was just strange because I’d never done it before – especially taking off and landing.

    I can’t really comment on airline food because I didn’t buy any except for snacks (I flew Virgin and meals weren’t included in the ticket price).

    I loved being able to read on the plane which I can’t do in the car without feeling sick.

  • I read once that the brain acts different or translate the height different when you get over a certain height that’s why people who are afraid of heights can fly! I’ll have to google it to get the whole story again though.

    We love flying too, Brian flew Gliders in his days, or at least he did the training for them but stopped just short before getting his own license. If I had the money I’ll certainly would have loved to go for my own light aircraft license.

    I flew 3 times from SA to Aust and loved every one, bad turbulences and all, had a stop over in KL too and it was such a wonderful experience. I was happy with the service and food all the times!

  • Hi Rodney,
    thanks for your comment on my blog – I’ve been out of town for a few weeks and just checked my posts today. Hope you visit again. I look forward to checking out your blog when I get home.

  • It’s been a couple of years since I’ve last flown, but all of my flights have been really good. The longest flight I’ve taken is from Minneapolis/St Paul Minnesota to LA about 6 years ago.

    I’m also another one who doesn’t mind airline food; it doesn’t hurt that the airline that I took my most recent flight on is noted for its chocolate chip cookies. Even the food I paid for was really good 🙂


  • I’m with you, I love airline food. Maybe I’d feel differently about it if it was served up in a restaurant, but on a plane….YUM!

    I don’t mind flying from the “fear of flying” point of view, though as I get older the landings seems hairier. But on a plane I always feel trapped and restless.

  • I agree with Hannelie’s comment – I’m normally scared of heights, but above a certain height it becomes more like looking down at a map and less scary. If the ground is far enough away it becomes more of an abstract idea rather than an urgent threat … until you fall out of the plane, I suppose.

    Speaking of which, my number of take-offs exceeds my number of landings in an aircraft – but a parachute landing accounts for the discrepancy.

    Would love to check out the new 787, but for me the smaller the plane, the better, gliders being my favourite. A bicycle with hang glider attachment would be the ultimate in environmentally friendly fun transport – all we need is someone to invent one.

  • OK, I’ll be the odd one out. my Dad was a pilot and I have no fear of flying. Joy flights are great. But really, hours cramped up in a airliner cabin with wriggling kids and uncomfortable seats, plus customs and airport lounges. Nah, get over it.


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