Well, they may not be so fascinating but the alliteration was too good to pass up.
I was tagged by Brian at Industry Outsider. The meme requires me to post five facts about me and then tag five other bloggers.
1. My father worked as a chef until he retired. One of my brothers and I followed in his footsteps and trained as chefs too. Neither of us now work in the food industry.
2. I am the youngest of five children. I have three brothers and one sister.
3. I love most animals. I am very much a cat person. I’d love to have a kangaroo as a pet.
4. I am socially phobic. (I think I invented that term.) I love getting together with people but often feel very awkward around others, even people I know well. Some people mistake my shyness as arrogance.
5. I have never broken a bone in my body.
Now who will my victims be ….. er …. I mean who should I tag?
Maybe I should ask for people to put their hands up. I know it’s a wimps way out but I can live with that.
Would you like to share five facts about you? If so, either leave them in the comments section of this post or leave a link to a post on your blog.
Posted by Rodney Olsen
Technorati Tags: Meme – Tagged – Five
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Ok, here goes … and I’ll use yours for a template π
1) I can’t cook. Well. However, I can burn and undercook quite well. It’s an art.
2) I’m an only child. Which stinks since I need a transplant. But, I digress, cause God is bigger than that.
3) I need to find homes for three cats, including one purebred Persian. Would you accept COD? hehe
4) I’m an extrovert. I’m snarky. All the time. Which makes for fun with teenagers.
5) I have had stiches 8 times. Once in Europe without Novocaine cause the old man in the middle of nowhere doctor didn’t think it was needed. So h e reattached my toe. They heard me scream back to the US.
That’s it! Hope you still are brave enough to visit π
On the point of number four, social phobia is recognised as a psychological condition, just as depression is. And like depression it ranges in severity and can be a part of normal experience in minor doses (and some experience more than others depending on personality). But yeah i know what you mean exactly and get that a lot…
I think that this comment reveals an interesting fact about myself, which is that i like psychology!
1) I doodle. All the time. Surely it must be indicative of a psycholoical condition. π
2) I can’t curl my tongue or wink with my right eye.
3) My first job out of college was a on-air personality and promotions manager for a radio station.
4) I adore gerber daisies.
5) I think I can dance a lot better than I probably can.