Thumbs Up! Edition One

Looks like I’m not the only one interested in accentuating the positive.

There have been quite a number of bloggers wanting to get involved with Thumbs Up! If you’re not quite sure what I’m talking about you can read the details here.

So here we are with the first official Thumbs Up! posting. Thanks to everyone who has contributed. I hope you’ll take the time to read through the posts and leave some comments for the bloggers who have participated.

Amanda Hunt from Amanda’s Musings gets the ball rolling by giving the thumbs up to a couple of bloggers in her post Thumbs Up! Award.

Cody tells us I’m Thinking Positive with his post at What’s Going On, Cody?

All the way from Japan, Romi at Romi’s Journal tells us about the wonderful Ms. K*.

Free the Children is a post from Marie at A Little Joy for Today that highlights the fantastic work being done by a couple of Canadians.

Colin from Darkening Glasses has really taken to the idea of Thumbs Up! by highlighting fifteen bloggers in his post. Great work.

Melanie at Our Happy Happenings has combined her weekly Thankful Thursday post with Thumbs Up! Excellent idea. Check out the things that are putting a smile on her face here.

In Meg’s Weekly Update of the Australian blogosphere at Dipping Into the Blogpond she awards Thumbs Up! as the Aussie Blogpost of the Week. I’m extremely honoured.

Sarah from This is what Sed said has jumped on board too with a wonderful post highlighting a cople of fellow bloggers.

Roger Carr highlights someone who is Rescuing Homeless And At Risk Youth To Make A Difference at his Everyday Giving Blog.

Melody at Aussie Adventures has done her bit to spread the love by pointing her readers to Thumbs Up!, encouraging them to get involved in giving others a pat on the back. Shannon at Divulgence is also pointing out the idea to his readers. Also adding Thumbs Up! badges to their sites are David of Pilgrim Scribblings and Pilgrim Pals as well as Susan from Susan’s Blog.

Bonnie at Bonnie Writes does a wonderful job of fostering an Attitude of Gratitude.

Millionaire Mommy Next Door presents a Recipe for Success, Wealth & Happiness.

Anna Farmery presents an interesting Positive Thinking story at Mabel and Harry.

Edith Yeung encourages us to live out our dreams with her post I Have a Dream at Edith Yeung.Com: Dream. Think. Act.

John Hill has written a post about Gratitude versus Entitlement at Universe Of Success.

Just to finish off this week, let me clarify the fact that the criteria for Thumbs Up! posts are outlined here and posts that don’t fit the guidelines will unfortunately be rejected. I’ve had a few submissions this time around that have simply been promoting the power of positive thinking or motivational stuff for getting rich which really isn’t what I’m setting out to highlight.

I’ve included a couple such posts because I still felt they had merit but I’ll need to be a little stricter with the guidelines from now on to ensure that Thumbs Up! doesn’t turn into something it was never meant to be. Sorry if yours was one of those rejected.

The essential criteria, as previously listed, is simply, “You can post a thank you to someone, a list of reasons you’re thankful this week, or highlight people doing something worthwhile in your community.”

If you did submit a post but you haven’t been included feel free to email me. While I did reject a few submissions I would hate
to have missed any legitimate posts.

If you missed out on being a part of Thumbs Up! this week, get posting now and submit for next week.

Posted by Rodney Olsen

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About the author

Rodney Olsen

Rodney is a husband, father, cyclist, blogger and podcaster from Perth Western Australia.

He has worked in radio at Perth's media ministry Sonshine for over 25 years and has previously worked at ministries such as Compassion Australia and Bible Society.

The views he expresses here are his own.

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  • Thanks for hosting the carnival and including my submission. I’ll be linking back here in my weekly Blog Carnival Roundup edition on Friday.

  • Wow, that’s great to see so many taking it up and participating. I gave my friend Liza in Malaysia a “Thumbs up” today because she sent me a beautiful bookmark to talk some positiveness into me after I had a bad week last week.

  • Rodney,

    By the looks of this week’s participation, I’d say you have struck a positive chord with many! I think this is going to go over very well as time goes on and prayerfully, it will only get bigger!

    Unable to post this past week, I will be sure to post this week… 🙂

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