I’m very sorry that this is only for people in Perth but I’m going to mention it anyway.
Pauline entered this photo into the Smile with Centro Photography Competition recently and it’s been selected as one of the twenty finalists at our local Centro Shopping Centre, the Galleria in Morley.
It’s a picture I took when I was in India in 2005.
We visited an orphanage and were surrounded by a mass of happy smiling kids. I lifted my camera above the throng and clicked.
The main reason I love India is the Indian people and the children in India are particularly delightful. I might share a few more of the photos I took at the orphanage sometime soon.
Enough of my reminiscing, you just want to know how to grab the cash.
If you can make it to the Galleria, head to the centre and check out the 20 photos on display. Then grab an entry form from one of the local shops and fill in your details. Then select photo number ‘1’ as the photo that made you smile. If you forget the number just look for the photo with ‘Rodney Olsen’ printed below it.
If my photo gets the most votes I win a wonderful prize, but simply by voting, you’ll be in the running to win $5000.
Thanks for your help on this one and all the best for winning the $5000.
Posted by Rodney Olsen
Technorati Tags: Prize – Win – Photography
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Good luck! 🙂
I learned about you from Phil Cooke’s website. You should know about us. Here is a blurb and a letter to tell you more. I invite you to help spread the word, that we might connect with Aussie filmmakers who can make a film from Perth for our contest.
John D. Ware
168 Hour Film Project
145 S. Glenoaks Blvd. Suite #159
Burbank, CA 91502
The 168 Film Project is a competition, in which films are based on a Bible verse and created in one week to premiere at the 168 Film Festival. Each film gives needed professional opportunities for cast and crew. The competition is in February, and the 6th Annual 168 Film Festival is April 11th (Stars Art Theatre) and April 12th at the Alex Theatre, 2008 in Glendale, CA.
Dear Friend,
Thanks for you interest in the 168 Hour Film Project (168). Each year, we help approximately sixty teams to produce a short film based on a Bible verse in one week, or 168 hours. About 700 cast and crew participate every year on locations all over the world, including the US, Canada, England, Spain, Italy, Kenya, Kyrgyzstan, Siberia, New Zealand, China and Taiwan. In five years, 168 has overseen the production of 226 short films in five years. Two thousand attended the 168 Film Festival in 2007.
The success of the 168 Project in the last year has been remarkable. Our goal is to become a year-round, worldwide agency for the expansion of God?s voice in the media.
168 is a ?farm team? for artists, who are given tracks to run on as they improve their skills. 168 has developed and refined hundreds of filmmakers, such as Jim O?Keeffe, who?s 168 Project ?Max,? won an Int?l Cinematographer?s Guild Award. Another award winning 168 producer, Jason Rodriguez said, “I finally realized that God doesn?t need to be on our team. He wants us on His team.” Imagine what the media might look like if these were the words of the next Spielberg or Lucas!
We enjoy a great reputation with the both the Christian and secular worlds. 168 is sponsored and assisted by companies such as Panavision, Arri Lighting, EIKI, Dorrough Electronics, Kodak, Millennia Media and Sony. In 2007, we used XDCAM HD to show films in their full resolution.
Hollywood participants include Ralph Winter, Producer (X-MEN (1-3), FANTASTIC FOUR (1 & 2), Sam Haskell, former Executive Vice President and Worldwide Head of Television at the William Morris Agency, David McFadzean, Executive Producer & Co-Creator (HOME IMPROVEMENT), Actor Stephen Baldwin (THE USUAL SUSPECTS), Brian Bird, Producer (TOUCHED BY AN ANGEL), and Gary Hall, VP of Post Production at 20th Century Fox TV.
?168? films have screened at dozens of festivals including Cannes Short Film Corner, Newport Film Festival, and Moondance. More than a few 168 Films are under consideration for TV and feature length development. Press coverage has come through Hugh Hewitt show, the KNBC-TV 6:00PM News, Focus on the Family (FOF) radio, Variety Magazine, the Daily News (LA), and the L.A. Times.
Our mission is vital to a post-Christian world in which the language of the culture is media. We are changing our little corner of the industry from the ground up by teaching filmmakers to incorporate their art and their faith. Please pray for us and plan on becoming involved in 2007-2008.
John Ware
Founder and Executive Director
John Ware
Thanks for your wishes Iris. 🙂
John, thanks for your information but don’t you think it might have been more appropriate to email me privately (my email address is clearly available on my blog) rather than adding a very long off topic comment to this post? I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt and won’t delete it as spam.