I’m thrilled that there are bloggers who want to continue contributing something positive to the blogoshpere through Thumbs Up! Time for our sixth edition already.
If this is the first you’ve heard of Thumbs Up! and you’re scratching your head wondering what it’s about you can read the details here.
If you want to see the idea spread, and you use Stumble Upon, can I ask that you click the Stumble Upon button at the bottom of this post? It’d be great to see more bloggers accentuating the positive.
Iris has joined us this time with her Thumbs Up! post at Double Half highlighting another one of my favourite bloggers, Hann from Zingela.
Good to see Cindy Swanson taking part again with Thumbs Up! to A Chelsea Morning at her excellent blog Notes in the Key of Life.
Deano presents yet another reason to be positive with the post Just Scraping in a weekly Thumbs Up. highlighting his friend Tim and the excellent work of Mercy Ships at My Jarrol Spot. Deano always has great things to say and I particularly appreciate his efforts to post a Thumbs Up! post each week.
My Thumbs Up! this week goes to Evi from The Daily Soul. She is a young lady of just 16 from Greece who shows enormous maturity well beyond her years in her posts. I want to highlight her blog becuase I know that she has considered giving up blogging thinking that no one is reading her blog. She deserves a wider readership and I hope you’ll add her to your regular reads and encourage her to post more.
I don’t think I’ve left anyone out but if you did post a submission this week and you can’t see it here, please email me so that I can add your post. If you missed out on being a part of Thumbs Up! this week, get posting now and submit for next week.
Posted by Rodney Olsen
Technorati Tags: Thumbs Up – Thankful – Positive
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I’ve got to come back in my uni holidays to read up on all the positive posts, I would love too read it all.