Chris Mainwaring … 1965 – 2007

Working in the media, I heard about the death of West Coast Eagles legend and television sports presenter Chris Mainwaring before most people. I was at the Claremont Showgrounds yesterday morning getting ready for a day of broadcasting when we got a call to give us the early details. At that stage it was all still unconfirmed and so we held off mentioning anything on the radio until we were officially notified of his passing. He was just 41 years of age – far to young to go.

I met Chris many years ago when I was working for World Vision. He was putting together a weekly television segment called WOW for Channel 7 Perth where he would highlight upcoming weekend events. The World Vision 40 Hour Famine was coming up and he agreed to record a couple of minutes to promote the event.

A local food outlet had agreed to provide lunch for a group of young people at the completion of the fund raiser. We thought we’d say thank you for their generosity by recording the promo at their premises.

We met at the restaurant and I was immediately surprised at what a thoroughly likable guy ‘Mainy’ was in person. Even in the short time that I spent with him he gave the impression that nothing was too much trouble. He certainly didn’t act like a ‘star’. He simply got on with the job and was more than friendly.

He was a great footballer and his media role seemed to be the perfect fit once his playing days were over. I’m sure he’ll be missed by thousands of sports fans but even more by his family, former team mates and friends.


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About the author

Rodney Olsen

Rodney is a husband, father, cyclist, blogger and podcaster from Perth Western Australia.

He has worked in radio at Perth's media ministry Sonshine for over 25 years and has previously worked at ministries such as Compassion Australia and Bible Society.

The views he expresses here are his own.

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