One Two Three

Growing up in a family that thought that General Motors Holden was the only company that knew how to make a decent car meant that I was destined to be wearing T-Shirts extolling the virtues of the General’s merchandise well before I ever had a license to sit behind the wheel of such vehicles.

I had a wonderful shirt with an old FX Holden on the front and one with a terrific Torana.

In those days I would happily parrot slogans about F.O.R.D. standing for Fix Or Repair Daily or even Found On Rubbish Dump.

Of course this was all before getting my first car …. a 1972 Ford Cortina. Life suddenly changed. I realised that Fords were far superior and since that first Ford I’ve also owned a couple of Ford Falcons, a Ford Fairmont, a Ford Escort and a couple of Ford Transit Vans. In fact, I’ve never owned anything but Fords.

I’ve held a motor car license for over 27 years now and the desire to own any kind of car has diminished greatly. Pauline has a car, A Toyota in fact, which I drive if we’re going somewhere as a family. I’ll even drive alone on those rare occasions that I need a car but I’m increasingly bored by the whole four wheels thing. These days I’d much rather be pedalling my bicycle.

Talking about cars does nothing for me. Looking at cars does nothing for me.

I used to look forward to the Bathurst 1000 each year. It’s a one thousand kilometre race which pits V8 Fords against V8 Holdens. I knew that the race was being run today but things were busy and so I didn’t even bother checking the results.

During the news tonight I heard the details of the winners.

Yes, I’m an avid cyclist. No, I don’t get excited by cars anymore. However, it would be a lie if I tried to tell you that I wasn’t just a little bit thrilled about hearing that Ford came home one, two three today.

So it seems that I was wrong all those years ago. It seems that F.O.R.D. really stands for First On Race Day.

Posted by Rodney Olsen

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About the author

Rodney Olsen

Rodney is a husband, father, cyclist, blogger and podcaster from Perth Western Australia.

He has worked in radio at Perth's media ministry Sonshine for over 25 years and has previously worked at ministries such as Compassion Australia and Bible Society.

The views he expresses here are his own.

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  • My dad’s a ford nut. There are only a few times that i can remember when the family car wasn’t a ford. The only way that dad agreed to co-sign my car loan was if i got a ford- which i did. They’ve since purchased that car off me. Sometimes the house looks like the driveway in ‘the castle’ but they’re all fords!

  • we’ve owned fords too … but leo hardly ever drives anymore … and i usually walk or cycle where i’m going (now that we are living in town!) … in fact, in 2 months time, we spent $50 on gas … and that was only due to leo’s hospital stay (which was a 25 min. drive one way) … so i know of which you speak!

    i am thrilled that my little part time job is just 2 streets away – no car needed!

    :o) … doesn’t take much to make me happy …

    p.s. i’ve had a driver’s lic for 37 years now … in Canada you can get them when 16 years of age …

  • Yes well I’m a V8Supercar nut 😛

    guess it’s lucky I’m a motorsports chaplain, and I’ve had the experience of getting to know many people involved in this series.

    I didn’t physically get to Bathurst this year, but did watch the entire telecast on TV.

    I own a Falcon, and come from a long history of Ford supports (when my cousin left his job at Ford in Melbourne in April this year it was the first time in 63 years a Sandham hadn’t worked for Ford).

    needless to say I’m stoked about the 1,2,3

  • I once owned a Ford Fiesta. What a car. Every time I came to the garage they said, Oh, it´s you again…
    But, well… obviously things have improved for Ford 🙂

    I was never interested much in cars but since my customer is Volkswagen I now have to. And still I think it´s quite boring…

  • My family is totally into the V8 Supercars – and nothing gets in the way of us watching it! This weekend my Grandpa had a heart attack and Mum ended up having to spend a fair bit of time at the hospital – but she occasionally ducked out to find the TV in the lounge or use the TV at Papa’s bed to see how the qualifying/top 10 was going. Fortunately she didn’t need to be at the hospital during the race!

    With a Ford flag draped across our loungeroom wall, and our Ford coffee mugs in-hand, we watched the race. Things got quite loud here, particularly towards the end of the race as we watched the non-stop nail-biting moments (I almost had to walk away because it was getting too much!) – and needless to say we were absolutely stoked when Lowndesy crossed the line first and the mighty Ford got 1-2-3!

    I’m looking forward to going to Indy – less than 2 weeks to go – bring it on!!!!!!!

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