What blogs are you reading?

I don’t know how often you read this blog. Maybe daily, weekly, monthly or perhaps this is your first visit.

Anyhow, this post isn’t about this blog, it’s about other blogs that you read regularly.

I’d love to know which blogs you enjoy reading on a regular basis. How do you decide which blogs will become daily or weekly reads?

How about leaving the details of a few of your favourites in the comments section of this post? You can let me know why you like particular blogs or just leave a list.

Posted by Rodney Olsen

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About the author

Rodney Olsen

Rodney is a husband, father, cyclist, blogger and podcaster from Perth Western Australia.

He has worked in radio at Perth's media ministry Sonshine for over 25 years and has previously worked at ministries such as Compassion Australia and Bible Society.

The views he expresses here are his own.

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  • Hi Rodney…well, I just got back from a short vacation in which I did NO blog-reading at all, so I’m catching up! Besides this blog, I often read:

    La Shawn Barber’s Corner
    Angela Hunt’s “A Life in Pages”
    2nd Cup of Coffee
    BJ Hoff’s “Grace Notes”
    Actual Unretouched Photo
    Mei Flower
    A Chelsea Morning
    Robin Lee Hatcher’s “Write Thinking”…

    and several others!

    Sorry for not providing the links, but if anyone wants to check these out, you can google them. Great stuff!

  • Nice new look Rodney! I was going to say something about the Fall colors, but it’s Spring over there, right?

    The first blog that came to mind is written by two sisters and is called “Twisted Sister”. I never know what to expect at their place, the post of the day could be funny, thoughtful, deep, playful, silly or a rant. I have never been bored for a second reading their stuff! Plus, they are both very wonderful people.

    Check them out:


  • Great question! Here are a few you might enjoy…

    1. Roger Aubrey at Stars & Sand (Jolly Welsh seminary prof just published his first book.)

    2. Phil Cooke at The Change Revolution (Media Guru, invaluable tips & tricks)

    3. Darren at ProBlogger (How to make money… and boy does he ever!)

    4. Intellectuelle (Thinking ladies’ group blog)

    5. Troy & Tara at Livesay Haiti Weblog (Family of 7, missionaries with Children’s Lifeline, food program… funny, amazing, a huge readership.)

    6. Separated By a Common Language (A British and American couple blogging about the differences between their native tongues.)

    Just a sample… Blessings, e-Mom

  • Hi Krystyna, Hann here! I’m so glad you found Rodney’s blog, yes you certainly will enjoy his blog, it’s so valuable and inspirational like your own! Welcome from me.

    Myself Rodney, I have mine all divided up in Family blogs with situations like myself eg kids, home, school stuff etc.
    Then I have Inspirational blogs where I tap good stuff from like yours truly 🙂
    and then I have my Sporty blogs where I go for inspiration to keep on working hard and aiming for physical successes in fitness and sport.
    My sideline links is closed for a while but I sure hope on a bored day you’ll go click around, I love each and every one of them.

  • Hey, Rodney! Just returned from the Frankfurt bookfair – so now I am trying to see what is happening in the lifes of some fellow bloggers. I just visit the blogs from people in my blogroll and every now and then I add a new blog that I like.
    I visit some blogs more often, because I know that these bloggers add new entries on a daily basis. If somebody blogs slow, I don’t check their blogs that often.
    I would like to get to know some more bloggers from your side of the globe, so if anybody is reading this: give me a shout! Blessings from the Netherlands

    PS Cool retro look on your blog right now! So seventies… 😉

  • Oops. I mean “lives”, not “lifes” – but hey, I’m Dutch…
    Why don’t they have an edit function for comments? Sigh.

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