Australia is celebrating World Teacher’s Day today.
Emily and James will be thanking their teachers for the great work they do. Both of them have got great teachers this year. It’s so good to know that we can send our kids into a supportive learning environment each day.
I was trying to remember some of my teachers this morning as I cycled the long way to work. I remember having Miss Van Kampen for the first two years of school back at Wembley Downs Primary School. If I remember correctly she drove a green VW Beetle. I think my Grade 3 teacher was Mrs McGrade. It all becomes a bit of a blur after that. I can’t think who I had in Grades 4 and 5. I think it was Mr Paganini for Grade 6 but I seem to remember he was also a Deputy Headmaster so he shared the teaching duties with another teacher.
I certainly remember my Grade 7 teacher. Richard Phillips was a very sporty kind of teacher. He coached the school’s football and cricket teams. I guess he didn’t like me much because I wasn’t a sporty kind of kid. I thought he was kind of cool until the day he yelled at me in front of the class that I was a drip who would never amount to anything in life. That seemed to take the shine off things for me.
I can remember a few teachers from my three years at Churchlands Senior High School but none that really stand out too much.
I’d love to get in touch with some of my old teachers but there are some that I could do without seeing again.
Are there any teachers that stick in your mind from your school days? Any that were particularly inspirational for you? Any that bring back good memories of your school days?
Posted by Rodney Olsen
Technorati Tags: World Teacher’s Day – Teachers – School
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A teacher’s influence goes a long way. He can either make or break a student with his words.
Thankfully, I have had more of the former during my school days and aspire to be one of them now
Yip, my daughter took flowers to school too for her’s.
I remember my first teacher I had when I started attending a Christian school in NZ. She was more concerned about me as a person, than just being my teacher. I’ll never forget her.
Aren’t memories just grand.
I remember getting wacked by the St Charles Primary School Nuns when I was in 1st class, getting wacked by the Brothers at my Primary School at Ryde whilst in 3rd class and getting wacked by the Marist Brothers at Pagweood whilst in High School.
I’ve still got the mental scars to prove it. Just joking. It was character building excercie by the catholic church to make me a better man. Guess what? It worked.
Peter McCartney
Sydney Australia