Talkin' about a resolution

In all the busyness of this time of year have you managed to set time aside to draft out a few New Year’s resolutions? Maybe you’ll get some time over the weekend.

I know that a lot of people don’t believe in such things but I reckon that any time that we can sit down and take stock of our lives and make plans for the time ahead is time well spent.

Of course there are all the usual resolutions that people make about losing weight, getting fitter, quitting smoking, reducing debt and all the rest but I wonder what 2008 would look like if we made resolutions and goals about improving relationships with those close to us and then asked those people, or others, for help in staying accountable to those goals.

I wonder how things would be if we made resolutions about helping those we may not even know but who need a hand up.

How would 2008 shape up if we determined that family was more important than the demands of work and then structured our schedules accordingly?

What would it be like if we decided that 2008 was the year that we would look beyond the physical and material things of this world to discover deeper spiritual meaning?

I wonder.

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About the author

Rodney Olsen

Rodney is a husband, father, cyclist, blogger and podcaster from Perth Western Australia.

He previously worked in radio for about 25 years but these days he spends his time at Compassion Australia, working towards releasing children from poverty in Jesus' name.

The views he expresses here are his own.

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  • Why wait for a new year to come? I quit smoking some six years ago in December ´cause a colleague asked me to join in, which also made it easier for the two of us (he smokes again, sadly).
    This Christmas I saw a report on an organization that helps people in Africa (and also other places) I´ve heard a couple of times of. Now that I saw what they really achieved, I gave them some of my Christmas-money.
    Take chances when they come along – anytime, that works for me.

  • Great post as always, Rodney… Wouldn’t it be great if these were our thoughts the first day of every month or every week or heck, every day? 🙂 Thank-you for your Christmas email and I do wish you and your family a wonderful 2008! Blessings (and thanks for all your kind comments)… Debra

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