I mentioned a couple of weeks back in my post, I just want to be normal, that I visited the doctor for a check up.
Everything was pretty much normal apart from a very slightly elevated cholesterol level. The major part of reducing that level is down to some well needed weight loss but the doctor also suggested that I eat more fish.
He told me that I should eat tuna for lunch. Since then I’ve been buying those little single serve tins of tuna to eat at work. I split the tin between a couple of pieces of dry toast and lunch becomes a very easy and very tasty meal. I know that some people have a less than favourable relationship with tuna or in fact any kind of fish but I like the stuff.
A fellow worker was in the lunch room while I was preparing lunch today and told me that from where he was sitting it looked like cat food. I told him that it was. It’s cheaper and it keeps my coat shiny. Somehow I don’t think he believed me.
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Nice come back!
Yum 😉
I think some cat-/dog-foods might be of better quality than some cheap food you can get for humans… Which doesn´t mean I´d buy or eat it, though!
Sounds like something I’d say 🙂 A friend of mind always asks if I want my cup of tea to be made with a tea bag (even though he never has loose leaf), just so when he gives it to me, he can say ‘here’s your tea, bag’ lovely.