I Tawt I Taw a Puddy Tat

catandmouse.JPGWe’ve been hearing the pitter patter of very tiny feet at our place over the past few weeks.

James decided late last year that he’d like to keep mice and since then has read a few books and lots of websites to make sure that he would know just what to do if we allowed him to get some small furry friends.

Pauline and I decided that a couple of mice shouldn’t cause too many problems and that it could be good for a nine year old to learn to care for pets, so we gave him permission to get two females. We got a heap of mousy stuff from Freecycle and my sister purchased two mice for James as a late Christmas present.

I’m very much an animal person. I love cats, dogs and many other creatures but I’m yet to really warm to the mice. I don’t dislike them, I simply don’t really care for them.

Our cat, Gizmo, finds the idea very interesting. James has named the mice Tigger and Piglet but I think Gizmo might prefer to call them lunch and dinner. Mind you, she sometimes puts her nose up to the cage and rubs noses with Piglet who is the more adventurous of the two rodents. Most of the time the cat just ignores them.

What kind of pets do you keep?

We always had cats and dogs when I was growing up. Did you have pets when you were young?

DISCLAIMER: No, this isn’t turning into a cat blog. 🙂

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About the author

Rodney Olsen

Rodney is a husband, father, cyclist, blogger and podcaster from Perth Western Australia.

He has worked in radio at Perth's media ministry Sonshine for over 25 years and has previously worked at ministries such as Compassion Australia and Bible Society.

The views he expresses here are his own.

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  • Always had dogs. We’ve had dogs when our kids were growing up. Now that kids and dogs have gone it’s good to have that extra freedom. Don’t have to find a dog sitter when we go travelling.

  • Aww! James picked really cute names and that’s a great pic! I grew up with dogs, cats, rats, hamsters, turtles, fish, reptiles of various sorts…..I come from a long line of animal lovers 🙂

  • My brother had piranhas for awhile and then got a tarantula so I guess mice aren’t so bad. I don’t see the attraction of having a pet in a cage but if your son enjoys them and follows through taking care of them, then good for him.

  • I wasn’t allowed any pets for years because my dad is quite anti-animals (he’s a property manager). Eventually we just we ahead and got animals anyway 😉 I’ve had bantam hens, hermit crabs, fish and cats but was never allowed a dog.

  • Growing up, we always had an assortment of cats and dogs. One of my sisters went through a hamster phase, too. My hubby’s family raised cattle, so they had big dogs and the necessary barn cats. After we married, we’ve only had cats…and I’m ready to find a new home for the crazy feline living with us right now!

  • i had every pet my parents would allow me to get: dog, cats, fish, turtles, frogs, birds, hampsters (but i wasn’t allowed rats, mice or gerbils), LOTS of guinea pigs, rabbits….

  • We have a dog, my son had a rat for a while and it was quite interesting to see how the two animals “liked” each other and wanted to interact.

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