Rodney is a husband, father, cyclist, blogger and podcaster from Perth Western Australia.
He has worked in radio at Perth's media ministry Sonshine for over 25 years and has previously worked at ministries such as Compassion Australia and Bible Society.
I counted 12 passes but missed the bear! Had to watch again to see if he was really there and sure enough….there he was! Fascinating. How much of life do we miss when we are only narrowly focused on one thing? I would say much!
Great video – ripping it to my site, too. Good stuff 🙂
hahah.. love this ad- very funny. stumbled.
I counted 12 passes but missed the bear! Had to watch again to see if he was really there and sure enough….there he was! Fascinating. How much of life do we miss when we are only narrowly focused on one thing? I would say much!
Glad you like it, Rick. I’m sure your readers will enjoy it too.
Thanks for the stumble, Pete. 🙂
It really is a funny ad and as a cyclist I’m hoping that the message gets through too.
Brian, I did what you did. I went back and had another look to see if they’d just put the bear in later but it was definitely there all along.
The message is to look out for cyclists but your point is even more valid. We miss so much when we rigidly follow our own narrow agenda in life.
Wow, that is really powerful! I want to put it on my blog too. Thanks Rodney!
I counted an even dozen but didn’t see any cyclists!!